Meet your Dream Card 2.0 Heroes! — Knight

X Creator001
X World Games
1 min readDec 17, 2021


🌟Crossing seven seas over mountains high, for the kingdom of Dream Card When battle calls upon us, they’ll stand high before us, hearts filled with splendour and swords shine over the light~

🛡Knight Specialties: Protection, Shielding, Surviving

⚔️Knights are featured with strength, leadership, and strong shields to wreak havoc in the battles of war. They shine as the first line of offense not only in courage and strength, but also in strategy- ensuring their more vulnerable allies to continuously attack with spells and bows. Knights possess unshakable faith among the team and are not afraid of death, Victory or Valhalla!

That shining white armour everyone has been dreaming about is finally coming your way in Dream Card 2.0- gear up, saddle up and ride on!

X World Games 💖is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem, aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


