X World Games: Embracing Cross-Chain Integration in 2023

Leading the Charge in Cross-Chain Gaming: Integrating Ethereum, Arbitrum, Sui, LayerZero, and OKT Chain for an Inclusive and Seamless Metaverse Experience

XWG Reporter1001
X World Games
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2023


XWG Cross-Chain Integration 2023

X World Games (“XWG”) has always been at the forefront of innovation in the gaming and blockchain industry. As we continue our journey to build the next-gen decentralized gaming metaverse, we are excited to announce our plans for 2023: focusing on cross-chain integration to provide our users with seamless experiences across multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, OKT Chain, Arbitrum, Sui, and cross-chain bridges like LayerZero.

🎮🔗Cross-Chain Integration:

Expanding the XWG Ecosystem 🌐 In order to fulfill our vision of a diversified gaming ecosystem that connects traditional gamers with the blockchain world, we understand the importance of cross-chain integration. By integrating multiple blockchain networks and cross-chain bridges, we aim to enhance interoperability, reduce transaction costs, and improve the overall user experience for our growing community of over 2 million registered gamers.

Ethereum: The Foundation of DeFi and NFTs 💎

Ethereum has long been the go-to platform for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). With its recent transition from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS) in “the Merge,” Ethereum has significantly reduced its energy usage while maintaining its position as the second-largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization. Our integration with Ethereum will further enhance our gaming innovation, including Dream Card & Hero Card, NFT Marketplace, and DeFi Pool, providing an even more robust ecosystem for our users.

OKT Chain: For Greater Interoperability and Performance🔗

In our journey towards a fully integrated gaming metaverse, X World Games also plans to incorporate OKT Chain, an EVM-compatible L1 blockchain built on Cosmos. It stands out with its high scalability, supporting up to 5000 TPS, and enhanced interoperability through the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol. This inclusion will enable our developers to create and scale projects with low gas fees, ensuring a seamless and efficient gaming experience for all our users. 🚀🎮

Arbitrum: Boosting Ethereum’s Capabilities ⚡

Arbitrum is a layer 2 solution designed to improve Ethereum smart contracts’ speed, scalability, and privacy. By leveraging Arbitrum’s transaction rollups, X World Games can offload most of the computational and storage burden Ethereum faces, enabling powerful layer 2-based DApps and providing our users with faster and more cost-effective transactions. Our collaboration with Arbitrum aligns with our mission to create a seamless gaming experience for our users.

Sui: Fast, Private, and Accessible Digital Asset Ownership 🚀

Sui is a Layer 1 blockchain and smart contract platform designed for fast, private, secure, and accessible digital asset ownership. With its low-latency and highly scalable architecture, Sui enables latency-sensitive distributed applications, such as gaming and retail payment at physical points of sale. By integrating Sui, X World Games will be able to deliver high-performance gaming experiences and further expand our gaming ecosystem.

LayerZero: The Omnichain Interoperability Protocol 🌉

LayerZero is an omnichain interoperability protocol that enables lightweight message passing across chains, providing authentic and guaranteed message delivery with configurable trustlessness. By connecting with LayerZero, X World Games will enhance cross-chain transactions and liquidity, enabling our users to participate in multiple DeFi applications across different chains and ecosystems. This integration will also facilitate the exchange of assets and use of different applications across multiple blockchains, making our platform even more versatile.


Building a Better Gaming Metaverse for All 🌟 Our focus on cross-chain integration in 2023 will solidify X World Games’ position as the fastest-growing crypto gaming platform in the ecosystem. By collaborating with Ethereum, Arbitrum, Sui, and LayerZero, we will continue to push the boundaries of innovation, creating a better gaming metaverse for everyone. Stay tuned for more updates, and join us in our journey to revolutionize the gaming industry!

X World Games 💖is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem that aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


