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X World Games
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2022


X World Games: New Heroes Launched!

X World Games: New Heroes Launched!

Launch time: January 26th 2022 11:00 (UTC)

First sale channel: Binance NFT Mystery Box

Hero Introduction:



Bastet, the Supreme Mage of the Dream Land, is the right hand of Miya, the current emperor of the Dawn Empire.She has led the continent’s mages to work together to defend against monster invasions. Bastet is also the spiritual leader of Adaira, Smego and other younger generations of mages.

Dream Card V1 Hero Attributes:

Dream Card V2 Hero Attributes:

Role: Mage


1.Domain Creation: Deals DMG to all enemies and inflicts 1–3 Weakening effects. The chance of inflicting the effect increases with the skill level.

2.Mark of Soul: When battle starts, reducing all enemies’ ATK by 19% and ATK SPD by -0.15 lasting 10 seconds.



Grell, a genius girl of the Mechanical tribe,went across the sea to the Dream Land for her dream. Grell met Skylar, fought with her and became close friends. Grell promised to go back to help Skylar to become the master of the sea after traveling through Dream Land.

Dream Card V1 Hero Attributes:

Dream Card V2 Hero Attributes:

Role: Assassin


1.Prisoner Chain: Deals true DMG equal to 700% ATK to an enemy (prioritizing in targeting the enemy with the highest ATK SPD).

2.Pain: Upon releasing the skill, an anti-buff effect is applied to all enemies for 4 seconds and deals 180% damage to them.

X World Games 💖is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem, aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


