X World Games: New Heroes Launched

Introducing Royal Knight Reilly and Frost Archer Eula

XWG Reporter1001
X World Games
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2022


X World Games x Binance NFT Mystery Box — Reilly & Fula

X World Games is especially excited to be releasing our newest Mystery Box on BinanceNFT on April 29, 2022, at 11:00 (UTC). This Mystery Box issue will also introduce some new features and include some special updates for future releases and NFT DreamCard drops. Heroes available in this Mystery Box will be Reilly (Knight) and Eula (Archer), with Reilly making her debut as a Knight in Dream Card V2!

X World Games will be revamping our Mystery Boxes by introducing some new features and updates. The following changes will be made:

  • Heroes released in our Mystery Boxes will now have rarity levels ranging from Rare, and then to Epic, Legendary, and Myth. Common cards will be removed from future hero card drops.
  • Heroes will be able to generate LUCID & SHARD in the new Play-to-Earn economic model, preview our new tokenomics system and Play-to-Earn-to-Stake mechanisms HERE.
  • DreamCard v1 will be experiencing a new gameplay update, heroes will be able to enter the battle directly, coming soon.
  • Heroes released in Mystery Boxes will experience an increase in their combat power, and new heroes will have higher combat power than previous heroes.

Time: April 29, 2022, 11:00 (UTC)

Sale Channel: Binance NFT Mystery Box

Purchase link:https://www.binance.com/en/nft/mystery-box/detail?number=1&productId=215718714401241088

Introducing New Heroes



Reilly, the royal princess of the Drawn Empire legion, is an honors student in the senior class of the Royal College. After graduation, she followed Andal to train in the First Legion.

Dream Card V1 Hero Attributes:

Reilly v1 Skills

Dream Card V2 Hero Attributes:

Hero features: Powerful armored knight with high self-recovery ability.

Role: Knight


The Blessing of the Sea

1. The Blessing of the Sea: Reilly is a child who grows on the sea, and she can get power from the sea to heal herself. Reilly restores the HP equal to 690% of her self DMG and increases her DMG reduction by 30%.

Wave Shield

2. Wave Shield: Reilley can protect herself from the tides. When taking damage, Reilly gains a shield equal to 25% Max HP (cooldown for 5 seconds)



Eula, who has been trained in the Fear Mountains since childhood, is a proficient archer in the Drawn Empire Legion with extremely keen eyesight and accuracy, holding an icy bow and making opponents stunned in fear.

Dream Card V1 Hero Attributes:

Eula v1 Skills

Dream Card V2 Hero Attributes:

Role: Archer

Hero features: Violent output shooter, damage all enemies.


Ice Rain

Ice Rain: Deals 135% DMG to all enemies.

Absolute Zero

Absolute Zero: After releasing the skill, reduce the ATK speed of all opposing enemies and inflict 15% freezing damage per second for 4 seconds.

Eula v2 Intro

X World Games 💖is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem, aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


