XWG Community Highlight — Game Guide Winner RayZ_real

X World Games
4 min readMay 7, 2022


Come read out Text Q&A with the real RayZ_real!

XWG Community Highlight — Game Guide Winner RayZ_real

The team at X World Games would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful community for their continued engagement and support for our games! In doing so, we’d like to highlight an essential member of our XWG community RayZ_real! You may know him as one of the winners of our game guide contest, where he was rewarded for his hard work in creating a video guide for Dream Card v1.

We are so glad to have had the opportunity to interview RayZ_real personally, so please join us in getting to know one of the most dedicated members of the XWG community!

Q&A with RayZ_real

Q: How did you come up with the username RayZ_real?

When I first got into crypto, the first coin I bought was RAY (Raydium), so I decided to use that as my username. But RAY is a really popular name so I added the letter Z behind it. The letter Z also looks like a snake, and in Asian culture, my birth year is represented by a snake, so I chose it. =))

Q: Was XWG your first experience with blockchain gaming? How did you discover us?

Yes, XWG is the first blockchain game I participated in. On a sunny day, when I was looking for a new airdrop, I discovered XWG and was impressed with the characters of the game. They were drawn very meticulously as if they came out of an anime (I’m also an anime fan), so I decided to participate in X World Games from that moment on.

Q: What keeps you motivated to continue playing the Dream Card series?

If I said I did it for fun, that would be a lie, wouldn’t it? Most people enter this market with the aim of making money, and so did I. But with GameFi, it can be fun and profitable at the same time. I find v2 to be the most fun, but only if the gameplay is balanced with the profit made. If this balance between profit and gameplay is broken, it will be very difficult for me to continue playing. However, if the gameplay were to improve more and more, then I’m sure that myself and other players would continue playing regardless of the profit made.

Q: If you could bring one character from the Dream Card series to life, who would it be and why?

I would choose Camilla. Why? Simply because she is beautiful. =) Just kidding. It’s because she is an assassin and having an assassin by your side in real life would be really cool.

Q: Are you excited about the new Play-to-Earn-to-Stake mechanics XWG introduces to the Dream Card series?

Definitely, yes. I think the new mechanics will greatly improve the game’s economy.

Q: Do you have any plans for streaming Dream Card gameplay?

I’d prefer to stick to creating videos and participating in XWG events. I’m not that interested in live streaming but if given the opportunity, I would definitely introduce XWG to more people, as I’ve been doing so far.

Q: If you could say one thing to the entire XWG community, what would it be?

I know this was probably the hardest time for the XWG community, because the price of XWG fell, angering many investors. But there was a time when XWG dropped to $0.05 and then grew to $0.3! Investors who bought in at $0.05 made a 500% profit at that time. Those people believed in XWG and got rewarded for their trust, and so do I. At this time, the team is still working hard to rebalance Dream Card v2 along with new features in the future. They haven’t given up on the project and still trying to fix the problems, so I hope you guys will not lose faith in the project. I hope that everybody will do their own research and make their own decisions instead of spreading negative influence on others as well as the project.

Q: How has playing Dream Card/GameFi impacted your life?

Playing Dream Card has impacted my life a lot. GameFi in general has greatly improved my living conditions as well as my view on playing video games. Before, I would never have imagined that sitting at home playing video games could make me money =)). With XWG in particular, I joined when I had to work from home due to the pandemic, which was a very difficult time for me. GameFi and XWG had opened a new door in my life, greatly helping me during a hard time in my life.

Once again, we’d like to thank RayZ_real for his massive contributions to the XWG community and for taking the time to do this interview! Check out his helpful game guide for the Dream Card series here and find more guides like his by checking out our Community DAO and How-to Play v1 and How-to Play v2 guides.

X World Games will be undergoing massive changes in the coming months, so we hope to see our players active in the community to stay up-to-date on all new features, updates, and highlights.

Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments below about this series, as we hope to continue highlighting the fantastic contributions provided by our community!

X World Games 💖is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem, that aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


