$XWG New Tokenomics Preview

An Outlook of What’s Going to Change

XWG Reporter1001
X World Games
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2022


X World Games New Tokenomics

As X World Games moves forward from a dual game ecosystem to establishing a multi-gaming platform, changing the token economic model is imperative.

A multi-asset system will bring more economic adjustment tools with more flexibility to ensure the stability of the $XWG tokenomics and the prosperity of the ecosystem.

We want to provide you with a quick preview of what’s to change:

Introducing Two BEP-1155 in-game Assets: LUCID & SHARD

This will be a significant change in XWG’s Play-to-Earn mechanism and token utilities. LUCID & SHARD will become the primary tokens for players to earn and aim to resolve the single-token GameFi economic problems.

X World Games | Play to Earn to Stake (P2E2S)

A Brand New Play to Earn to Stake Mechanism

The original Play to Earn will change to Play to Earn to Stake (P2E2S), a mechanism that will now be a connected system that requires players to play to earn a variety of different assets in order to participate in the staking pool. This will aim to solve the free-rider problem that the XWG economy is currently facing. To put it simply, when players want to stake, players have to play. The affected staking pools will come to a close when the mechanism is officially upgraded.

Reduction of Common Card Staking Utility

The community’s feedback is being heard as always. The overall staking utility and earning for common cards, especially non-upgraded, will be significantly reduced. Details to be announced soon.

Two Card Upgrade Mechanisms — DreamCard Fusion & DreamCard Evolution

X World Games will introduce two DreamCard upgrade systems, Fusion & Evolution, which will require different mixtures of NFTs & tokens to craft higher rarity cards and future new game NFT cards as well.

Dream Card v2 Transaction Fee Reduction — 80% down in existing fees

Introduction of custody contract, which we estimate will result in an 80% reduction in the current gas fee and serve a better reward distribution across player-population.

DAO Voting Pool — Stake to Vote

A $XWG-specific and improved voting pool will be built, and staking and time-weighted concepts will be included. The longer period that players lock $XWG tokens in the voting pool, the more voting power they will have.

Multiple Assets & Tokens Support with X Marketplace

X Marketplace will support more in-game assets (such as v2 gears, lucid, and shard) to list and more currency types (BUSD, BNB, XWG) to exchange.

A Trio GameFi Tokenomics

A healthy GameFi tokenomics should consist of more than three types of tokens that serve different purposes respectively: DAO (equity to govern), currency (in-game circulation), and asset (economic reserves). As XWG introduces more NFTs/tokens and accepts various assets as reserves into the ecosystem, we expect to see a sustainable and vibrant economy growing in the long term. We will lay down a concrete foundation for future game adoption and integration.

So stay tuned for more! We will be releasing more in-depth articles about these changes and how each changed item will impact X World Games in detail. Now, let’s look forward to the changes, the improvements, and the growth of our XWG tokenomics.

Feel free to express your opinions and add comments about our new changes!

X World Games 💖is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem, aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


