8 Steps to Take if You Want to Reach Your Goals in 2019

Mariia Bondarenko
X1 by Globaldev
Published in
5 min readJun 12, 2019
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

It’s hard to form a new idea when we talk about reaching goals. Much has been said about it, and although the guides advocate for different approaches, there’s a fair bit of similarities — they’re all about writing down things and doing them further. But making and following the plan is quite a task in itself. And don’t trust anyone who says it’s half of the job done — the practical part is surely the key, that’s why application steals the spotlight.

Let’s imagine that you set up the goals and try to follow them. But even if you’re eager to go this way, enthusiasm is a limited source and you may run out of steam real fast. The only way to achieve them is to make small but regular steps towards them to make it your daily-basis habits and slowly but surely move forward.

So, let’s condense this long, hard road into smaller but doable strides on the way to making your goals a reality:

1. Make it rewarding

Make it so that each of your goals is meaningful; there should be a clear vision of what you get for achieving it. A goal for the sake of a goal doesn’t sound as sexy; it should always be compelling for you to put a stamp on things after you accomplish certain progress — it can be a piece of cake or a celebratory glass of wine, or a new fancy dress. Whatever option is fine, granted that it brings a moral joy at the end.

2. Set the deadline

It’s great when you can operate within unlimited time frames, but most of us don’t have this luxury. That’s why it’s important to have clear time gaps that would add more structure to your activities; having sort of a “planned economy” has proven to be a recipe for disaster, but things such as KPI has survived for good reason. It’s sort of a framework that won’t let your goal sprawl on the schedule and impede other activities, including other ever-so-vital goals.

3. Mental preparation

You should always be ready for what’s around the corner — don’t be afraid to face problems over the course of a goal. Moreover, it’s not as scary after you go through a hard moment inside your head: much like when you wanted to fight someone during your childhood — the anger and stress go away after the “imaginary” fight has occurred inside your head.

Like a stereotypical Boston mayor who came to rule the city, say to yourself: “I came to clear this town, and I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty,” it’s just a good rule of life that no precious thing is easily achieved, and a long hard road is a synonym of a rewarding prize after completion: gold miners are the best example for digging through endless dirt to find their precious metal.

4. Ask for feedback

You can’t always have a sincere friend who could point out various flaws. There’s no “quality control” when you’re the CEO, so don’t mind asking for other people’s feedback. We’re all unique and it’s hard to put yourself into someone’s else place, making it hard to see a bigger picture and realize if anything is done wrong.

Moreover, it’s a good reality check, plus there’s someone who holds you responsible to some degree. Knowing that your progress is being watched is a valuable factor that can make you push forward and make that person proud of your strides.

5. Make the first move

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Probably the main struggle is to start doing something. Procrastination is a dangerous factor that can pull off the energy and drag you away from getting the things done. There’s no better advice other than a famous “Do it” quote from Shia LaBeouf; seriously, overthinking is more of a negative factor, so try to give up your concerns and do even the slightest step, just start doing things. And suddenly, you will find yourself fully invested in this new activity, as the appetite grows with eating — name me a better match for “success” other than the “intent to commit” phrase, these are two satellites that complement each other.

6. Keep it voluntary

The best example of everyday activity is a job but, what you must do is to make it voluntary. It’s not the kind of approach when each difficulty is viewed as an opportunity for learning and growth through chores. It’s more about making it a vital part of your life; like cleaning teeth, which is fast, simple, and brings a lot of value. It’s very easy to run out of steam under a high load, that’s why small steps proved to be a great way to reach goals — try to commit to activities that don’t create stress and benefit from your everyday consistency.

7. Review your goals

I can’t recall the last time every detail was going to plan, even the simplest of things. Sometimes it seems that destiny laughs at us after we finalize our plans, so it’s crucial to adjust them periodically — make the goals “agile” so they stay achievable, even if circumstances changed.

It may also happen that the goal itself could change without your fault: let’s say, the service you wanted to buy became more expensive all of a sudden. Then don’t mind aborting it and changing to a more affordable version; “success coaches” won’t probably agree to compromise but the joy of consistent small victories will surely overshadow a more ambitious technique in the long run.

8. Visualize everything

Despite existing for the whole humanity time being, this method is still relevant and helps people achieve new heights. The human brain hasn’t evolved ever since, so it’s important for us to see the object’s image for staying connected to a goal until it’s achieved. The first thing that comes to mind is the wall posters in 80s movies with cars, beaches, or even desk calendars at the workplace. And you know what? It still works; no surprise that a clipboard with pins is one of the major management tools up to date.

Subconsciousness is a hefty tool in your motivation arsenal, and the visual image might insensibly drag you towards a goal you’ve never found possible before.


The word “step” is a guide in itself — this word means small steady moves towards your goals, just choose a direction, which in turn should be feasible and well-defined both visually and time-wise. Make each of these steps feel meaningful — give yourself a small reward each time you make this endeavor, whether it’s food or anything you find rewarding. Also, don’t mind having initiative as there will likely be no one else to push you forward — your passion is the only fuel: success won’t come down into your arms. And if you want to reap the result, make sure there’s someone to examine your progress to keep the feedback unbiased and help you adjust the flaws.

