X21 Digital and Formation Finance Partnership

Fred D
X21 Digital
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2021

The X21 Digital team is pleased to announce the addition of Formation Finance to our investment portfolio. Formation Finance is a protocol that introduces various risk mitigation strategies to the DeFi ecosystem by using proven strategies that traditional hedge funds have used to out-perform the stock markets. traditionally these types of strategies are often coveted and protected by the financial elites, the best and highest performing hedge fund strategies are carefully guarded and only available to private family funds, pension and government funds.

The financial juggernauts all have one thing in common when it comes to their investment strategies, they all use risk parity which is a strategy that allows a portfolio to be diversified into multiple asset classes and uses leverage to improve high returns while keeping risks under control.

The table below is an example diagram of a Risk-Parity portfolio

Formation Finance has developed the first chain agnostic DeFi yield-management platform crafted for the crypto ecosystem but driven by the risk parity portfolio management strategy. The first of its kind risk parity robo-advisor that is designed to calibrate assets allocations across assets classes such as stable coins, based on volatility and environmental changes.

About Formation Finance

Formation Finance introduces risk — adjusted portfolio of decentralized open financial crypto assets in the form of algorithmically rebasing indexes, with a high degree of composability.

About X21 Digital

X21 Digital is a Blockchain Advisory and Investment firm dedicated to helping mainly blockchain startups accelerate their growth and exposure in the industry.

To date, X21 Digital has invested and advised several companies and projects with optimal strategic advice and guidance to build their path to success.

useful links

X21 Digital

Formation Finance
Telegram Announcement:

