X21 Digital & Don-key Partnership

The CryptoPlug
X21 Digital
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2021

At x21 Digital, we are pleased to reveal our latest investment in Don-key Finance. Don-key is the first social platform that brings together yield farmers and liquidity providers. They are creating a social farming platform where the crypto community can work together and democratize yield farming.

The Don-key objective is to empower a community by reducing the entry barrier for both yield farmers and liquidity providers, thus opening the DeFi world for two distinct groups of people:

  • those with low investment funds
  • those who cannot dedicate themselves to mastering the skills and strategies needed to participate in the DeFi world.

With a vision to provide yield farmers and investors with a gamified social trading experience, Don-key will offer a seamless planning tool and positions. In addition, farmers will benefit from abundant liquidity to execute their strategies.

Don-key will also connect yield farmers directly with liquidity providers. This will enable yield farmers to maximize the assets under their management and generate profit volume, thus creating an introductory platform for the inexperienced or low capital individual contemplating an entry into the DeFi space.

Don-key Finance: Making it Easier for Ordinary Investors and Farmers to Generate Consistent Yield

Everyone loves a good yield, but we all have different risk tolerance. Yield farming may seem like a simple method to earn a passive income from your crypto holdings, but there is more to it. In practice, it is a full-time job with a steep learning curve executed in a perilous environment where a single mistake can prove costly.

Don-key is designed to reduce the risk and maximize the upside for yield farmers by making it easier for the investors who cannot dedicate themselves to mastering the skills and strategies needed to participate and be successful in the DeFi world.

Participants on the Don-key Finance platform are incentivized with gamified social trading strategies. With “Copy Farming,” Don-key will create for yield farmers what social trading (or “Copy Trading”) accomplished for cryptocurrency traders.

Our investment in Don-key Finance embodies our dedicated support to the progress and success of a decentralized network. X21 Digital has joined forces with Don-key’s vision of designing a seamless and unified trading experience for the farmers and liquidity providers and contributing to the growth and innovation within the DeFi ecosystem.

Don-key’s key features:

● “Copy Farming” — Learn and auto-invest in the latest farming opportunities by following top farmers and browsing Don-key’s strategy builder.
● Strategy Builder — A drag-n-drop interface to easily plan and optimize different farming scenarios.
● Farmer Reputation — Based on proven APY results and historical track record.
● Investor Reputation — Through participation in Don-key, investors earn a reputation within the platform, unlocking extra layers of access to the highest Alpha opportunities.
● Top farmers and liquidity providers are rewarded with governance tokens.
● Non-custodial pools save substantial gas by pooling investments with other investors who provide liquidity to the same protocols.

The Don-key Token Specifications:

$DON is the native token of the Don-key platform.

• Token Name: Don-key token
• Ticker: $DON
• Type: ERC20
• Total Supply: 100M

Token Distribution:

About x21 Digital:

Here at x21 Digital, we help develop blockchain projects. x21 Digital is an advisory and investment firm that believes in the role of recent and latest blockchain technologies to better the world’s ecosystem. We fund, advise, and incubate new blockchain projects with the collaboration of our strategic partners.


We at x21 Digital are honored to partner with Don-key as they simplify the world of decentralized finance, making it easy for regular non-tech savvy individuals to participate in yield farming opportunities.

Useful Links

X21 Digital
Medium: https://medium.com/x21-digital
Website: https://x21digital.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/X21_Digital

Website: https://don-key.finance/
Litepaper: https://don-key.finance/litepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/don_key_finance
Medium: https://don-key-finance.medium.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Don_key_finance

