BAMBOO4LIME partnership has been created precisely to offer #lime Companies the opportunity to offset their carbon footprint by using the exceptional carbon sink activity of Forever Bambù’s Giant Bamboo forests.

X4LIME chooses Forever Bamboo to reduce #lime production carbon footprint

new BAMBOO4LIME partnership offers to lime companies the opportunity to offset their carbon footprint using the exceptional carbon absorption activity of Forever Bamboo’s giant bamboo forests and to develop a carbon portfolio contributing to the recovery of land abandoned or impoverished by intensive agriculture, with a circular economy project that uses the raw material to produce bioplastics.

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4 min readDec 13, 2022


Forever Bambù, a leader since 2014 in the planting of giant bamboo with organic and symbiotic agriculture, has been chosen as esg partner by X4LIME, an international company based in Bergamo and the leading providers of lime production experience.

“We wanted to reduce our and our customers’ carbon footprint to zero, and we started a search to identify the right partner for us. The choice was easy: thanks to Forever Bambù’s unique organic and symbiotic agroforestry management protocol, its bamboo groves absorb 36 times more CO2 than a mixed forest, with the same surface area and climatic conditions” comments Carlo Cella, CEO of X4LIME.

This is transformative for the development of the carbon portfolio of the entire lime industry. In addition, the RINA certification of the carbon credits counted in the selection, as a guarantee that these projects produce positive social elements for the communities associated with the project offset areas”.

Why lime ?

When people talk about lime — which is also known as quicklime or burnt lime, by the way — they also often talk about CO2, because its production creates a lot of it, being carbon-intensive. Within the portfolio of carbon offsetting solutions, X4LIME offers a cost-effective natural solution that can offset every 100 tpd of production with a RINA-certified bamboo plantation of 135 hectares.

Lime production is carbon intensive. No doubt about that.

The world of lime represents one of the most energy-intensive as well as necessary sectors: according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), industry accounts for 21% of emissions, and of this significant slice, 8% comes directly from lime and cement.

Thus was born the new BAMBOO4LIME partnership, created precisely to offer #lime companies the opportunity to offset their carbon footprint using the exceptional carbon absorption activity of Forever Bamboo’s giant bamboo forests and to develop a carbon portfolio and contribute to the recovery of land abandoned or impoverished by intensive agriculture, with a circular economy project that uses the raw material to produce bioplastics.

Natural carbon offsetting solutions are based on the only available technology, working at ambient temperature and pressure, to solve the problem of carbon neutrality.

Our Giant Bamboo forests are available for you to reduce the emissions of your business activities. Every day our forests are scientifically proven to absorb 36 times the amount of CO2 compared to a mixed forest, same area width and same climate conditions!

We are excited about this special commitment made by a supply chain that is as necessary as it is with a very high environmental impact” adds Emanuele Rissone, CEO and Founder of Forever Bamboo.

This new alliance enshrines a profound awareness of the role that lime plays in our world and the environment. And it is precisely with the collaboration of every single link in this chain that we can, together, bring a real positive impact on our planet.”

Act Now

Lime-sector commitment to climate action is gaining momentum, with companies increasingly adopting strategies aimed at reaching net-zero emissions and some pledging to invest in nature through the purchase of NCS-generated carbon credits (or “offsets”) as part of the effort.

Forever Bambù is the first Italian enterprise combining a structured manufacturing project with the environmental attention both to the quality of air and to the soil improvement through the cultivation of giant bamboo. Forever Bambù is the only European company in the industry to be certified both for organic and symbiotic production. The group reunites 29 companies including 7 innovative start-ups, featuring 200 hectares of land dedicated to the plantation of 198,000 bamboo plants by 2022. The group currently is made of more than 1350 associates from all over Europe. Forever Bambù is also the first company planting forests for industrial purposes to include in its strategic goals the listing on a European Stock Exchange, planned for the second half of this year.

X4LIME is the lime industrial Company transforming the LIME business through sustainable, smart, connected technologies. X4LIME increases sustainability, agility, and innovation, allowing lime producers to operate with greater efficiency and speed. X4LIME is combining experiences of XPOOL partners building innovative industrial machines for LIME industry with effective data science and analytics expertise, providing industrial companies with valuable insights to manage assets and operations more efficiently. Accessing a greater pool of talent, X POOL can leverage not only the ability and experience of a larger number of domain lime experts, but also the fresh perspectives of brilliant individuals from different disciplines — such as ForeverBambù — who can approach a specific problem from unconventional angles, proposing jointly — under the coordination & approval & certification of X4LIME — the most effective solutions. —

Other Natural Carbon Offset Solution by X4LIME

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