Capturing anomalous temperature trend at Calcis Group

Support field insights with long-term data analysis


What did our team find?

#iDO Industrial Digital Operator identified and notified increasing discrepancy of waste gases temperatures in the calcination process.

What was the trigger for this analysis?

Thanks to the availability of historical data, collected through Mosaico X Digital WORKSPACE, X4LIME data science team has been involved to provide evidence through real data.

More than what already highlighted from #iDO, after dataset cleaning it has been possible for X4LIME data scientist team to obtain a clear graphical representation of the waste gases temperatures trend together with its moving average line in the latest 7years.

waste gases temperatures difference analysis on long term bases

Since there was an increasing trend starting at the beginning of 2019, data scientist team decided to further investigate the nature of this discrepancy.

“The data scientist team not only reorganise the specific clients’ requests, he goes deeply on the process and selects the most meaningful way to represent and communicate the results obtained through his analysis.” — Edoardo Cella — X4LIME Chief Digital Officer

What was the value to the customer?

In particular, after having split the absolute temperatures of the two shafts, the team discovered an anomalous consistent higher temperature in the fumes from shaft 1 compared shaft 2.

Thanks to this analysis, the customer is now aware of the anomalous trend of the waste gases temperature. These important results allowed field operators to make decision to deal with the aforementioned discrepancy.

“Detecting Anomalies is critical to any business either by identifying faults or being proactive. ” — Nicole Bosatelli — X4LIME Data Scientist

Digital Transformation for Sustainability

MOSAICO workspace aims to upgrade all industries and infrastructures for sustainability. This is GOAL 9 of the Global Goals 2030.


Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending.



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DIG:ITA is a digital & IIoT powerhouse delivering the most complete solution for risk-free digital transformations.