Galvapno Lime producer in Ivano-Frankivsk region will receive UkraineInvest investment support



Galvapno Group of Companies will participate in the state program to support investment projects UkraineInvest

The national lime producer GK Galvapno will participate in the pilot project of the Office for Attracting and Supporting Investments and will receive “support in the process of preparation and implementation” of the construction of a modern lime firing complex. This is stated in the Memorandum of Intent on cooperation signed on April 19, 2021 between the investor of the group and the newly established state institution UkraineInvest to implement the Law “On state support of investment projects with significant investments in Ukraine” (so-called Law “On investment nannies”). informs with reference to the press service of Galvapno Group.

“Implementation of an ambitious investment project to build a lime kiln according to high European standards will not only produce the highest quality products for strategic sectors of the Ukrainian economy, create new jobs and compete with foreign suppliers, but also bring Ukraine to the top league of world lime producers. For the first time, we will be able to export our products to Europe and the world, which was hard to imagine before” — said Ilya Marchevsky, owner of Galvapno Group.

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Lime producer in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast will receive an ‘investment nanny’ The Group of Companies Galvapno will become a participant in the state program on supporting investment projects UkraineInvest The national lime producer Galvapno will become a participant in the pilot project the Office for Investment Attraction and Support and receive “support during the process of preparation and implementation” of the modern lime kilning complex construction. This is stated in the Memorandum of Intent for cooperation signed on April 19, 2021 between investor of the group and the newly established state institution UkraineInvest to implement the Law on State Support of Investment Projects with Significant Investments (the so-called Law “On investment nannies”), according to with reference to the press relations service of Galvapno Group. The memorandum was signed by Serhiy Tsivkach, the Executive Director of UkraineInvest, and Ilya Marchevsky, the investor of Galvapno Group In addition, according to the group report, on April 22, 2021 there will be the presentation of the first stage of the new lime kiln complex construction and the roundtable discussion “The investment attractiveness of Prykarpattia region: successful projects, challenges and prospects” carried. The events are going to start at 10:00 on the territory of the Stryganetskyi quarry in the village Dovhe, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. The government, local community and business representatives will participate. Mikheil Saakashvili, the Executive Committee of Ukraine’s National Reform Council, Illya Marchevsky, the investor and owner of the GC Galvapno, Roksolana Dzhura, the ex-major of Burshtyn and the head of NGO The Foundation for Fair Communities Transformation and business, government, local authorities and community representatives will participate in the roundtable discussion. “Realization of the ambitious investment project on building the lime kiln meeting high European standards will not only make possible to produce the highest quality goods for strategic sectors of the Ukrainian economy, create new jobs and compete with foreign suppliers, but also bring Ukraine to the top league of lime producers. For the first time we will be able to export our products to Europe and the world, which was even difficult to imagine before,” said Ilya Marchevsky, owner of the Group of Companies Galvapno.” Galvapno believes that the new Law On State Support of Investment Projects with Significant Investments in Ukraine will help to simplify bureaucratic procedures and facilitate investor communication with government agencies and permitting bodies. Specially designated advisers (“invest nannies”) authorized by the Government of Ukraine will assist with this. Particularly, investors will be provided with tax and custom benefits, public funds will help related infrastructure facilities, including the construction of new or existing highways, communication lines, heating, gas, water and electricity networks, etc. Areas covered by the program are: health care, waste disposal, mining and/or mineral processing (except hard and lignite coal, crude oil and natural gas), transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities, logistics, education, art, culture, sports, tourism and recreation. It will be recalled that according to the Law of Ukraine On State Support of Investment Projects with Significant Investments, the threshold for joining the program to support significant investments is an obligation to invest at least 20 million euro into separate investment project. The project shall provide for the construction, modernization, technical and/or technological re-equipment of investment objects, purchase of the necessary equipment. Another prerequisite is that the investor creates at least 80 jobs with a salary at least 15% higher than the average salary for the relevant activity in the region where the project is implemented. By August of this year, the Ministry of Economic Development must approve regulations for the practical implementation of legislative initiatives. The first large investors will be able to take advantage of working in Ukraine in late summer — early autumn, in particular due to changes to the Tax and Customs Codes. Briefing note: Galvapno Group includes Stryhanetsky Quarry LLC and Galtechnopark LLC (lime producer). The Group is implementing the investment project on the construction of a lime kiln production complex, which includes 4 (four) lime kilns with a total capacity of 1,600 tons per day, a crushing and sorting complex, warehouses for finished products and other necessary components. The place of the Project realization is plot of land “Tsarinka” near villages Stryhantsi and Dovhe in Tysmenitskyi district of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Construction of the kiln complex is on the territory of Stryhanetsky quarry. The investment project is estimated for 36,000,000.00 euro, and its implementation is planned for three years. The Project launch envisages the creation of additional jobs not only for technical specialists (millers, warehouse managers), but also for accountants, economists, accountants, heads of departments, and other specialists in total more than 80 employees. The project involves the use of modern environmentally friendly technology. The construction of this production complex will be carried out using unique technologies and equipment of QualiCal International (Italy), which will ensure compliance of the constructed lime kiln with the highest possible level of energy saving and the highest level of environmental safety. The kilns will run with the least polluting fuel — natural gas. A modern flue gas cleaning system will also be installed during the construction.

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