DIGITA X4LIME and QualiCal working together to reach VISIONZEROOO challange in LIME INDUSTRY

#iDO VITA skill to reach VISIONZEROOO in Lime Industry

The Vision Zero community includes companies, organizations and individuals all committed to an accident free future, and one that looks at all aspects of wellbeing in the workplace.

Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2021


#iDO VITA skill

“X4LIME intend to establish a culture of prevention at all workplaces in the global lime industry and strengthen our efforts for better workplace safety, health and wellbeing towards zero accidents and work-related diseases.” — Carlo Cella X4LIME CEO

This is why #iDO Industrial Digital Operator — working within MOSAICO workspace — has been equipped with the new VITA-skill that allows to monitor and industrial workspace and notify safety & healthy alarms related specific equipment, plant area or process phases or any critical situations that could endanger the lives of plant workers.




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DIG:ITA is a digital & IIoT powerhouse delivering the most complete solution for risk-free digital transformations.