Lime Kiln Production Maximization & Fuel Consumption Optimization at Calcis Group

Utilizing MOSAICO WORKSPACE to Drive Production to its Full Capacity and Achieve Sustainable Energy Savings

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4 min readAug 24, 2023


Increase lime kiln production rate does it mean to deal with higher pressure drop generated by the higher fuel demand and consequently higher combustion air and lime cooling air, needed to burn the higher quantity of limestone.

Higer Production and Higher Pressure Mode

In reference to a given cross section, the higher production rate causes a significant increase of the operating pressure. We call this the HP: Higer Production and Higher Pressure Mode.

The new HP modus operandi can be applied in new kiln, as well as retrofitting existing lime kiln, by following some important guidelines:

  • In a PFR lime kiln all the Process Valves (Air-Fume Valves, Stone Charging Valves, Lime Discharging Valves) of the kiln should be capable to operate at higher nominal pressure (up to 500 mbar).
  • Kiln Shell should be dimensioned to safely withstand higher operating pressures as well.
  • All the Process Group involved in supply raw material, fuel and process air must be capable to reach and satisfty the increased demand on production. This imply Limestone Feeding system capacity, Process Blowers flow rate as well as Fuel Measuring and Dosing Unit capabilities.

HP Plus Point highlithts in Calcis Group case of Study

Since the HP mode has been implemented in the QualiCal Synthesis 85 lime kiln operating at Calcis Group, monitored via MOSAICO WORKSPACE, the X4LIME team can analyze the first evident goal as obtaining a greater throughput, that means more ton of lime at the end of the day. The increase in nominal production is attested to be in a range between 5 to 10% !

A Synthesis Kiln designed for 400tpd stably operating above the nominal capacity

Decreased Specific Consumption

The second indirect, but really important effect, is the correlated reduction of specific heat consumption [kcal/kg lime]: from a standard value around 850 kcal/kg, a Synthesis HP guarantee approx. 5–10% fuel saving reaching a new target around 800 kcal/kg (!).

Infact, a very important fact to be taken into consideration, while operating PFR lime kiln, is that the greater it is the operating pressure, while producing at higher range, the better is the heat distribution and the contribution to the calcination process an all the kiln crossover section. This lead to a clear virtuous effect for which is it possible to increase production and gain in reduction of heat consumption obtaining also a more uniform quality lime.

Production increase with consequent Consumption Decrease
Edoardo Cella — X4LIME and DIG:ITA CDO

“In collaboration with Calcis Group, we embarked on an ambitious initiative to maximize the lime kiln’s production output and optimize fuel consumption. Utilizing the innovative MOSAICO WORKSPACE, we have successfully pushed the plant to its operational limits, achieving unprecedented levels of efficiency and production. Through a rigorous support analysis, we identified key opportunities for thermal energy savings, contributing to a significant increase in the plant’s nominal production. This targeted approach showcases the power of integrated technology and analytics in driving industrial excellence.” Edoardo Cella — X4LIME Team Leader.

Digital Transformation for Sustainability

MOSAICO workspace aims to upgrade all industries and infrastructures for sustainability. This is GOAL 8.2 of the Global Goals 2030.


Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors.

© Published with ❤ by X4LIME 2023



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