Mayur Lime Project

Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2021


Building a brighter future for the people of PNG with our resources and energy projects.

Mayur Resources is developing an industrial minerals, copper gold and power generation platform in Papua New Guinea (PNG) that will contribute to nation-building and job creation for PNG and its people.

Industrial Minerals Mayur’s

Mayur is structured into three asset divisions: Industrial Minerals Mayur’s industrial minerals portfolio includes fine grain construction sands, magnetite, limestone zircon and other valuable heavy minerals, which is favourably located in close proximity to the coast and river networks in southern Papua New Guinea.

Central Cement and Lime (CCL) Project

The proposed Central Cement and Lime (CCL) Project is a vertically integrated manufacturing facility with the ability to meet 100% of PNG’s cement, clinker and quicklime requirements, displacing imports, and penetrate nearby export markets in Australia and the South Pacific.

  • Large high grade limestone deposits 25km from Port Moresby, and 7km from the Exxon PNG LNG Refinery
  • Mining Lease granted in August 2020 (final major statutory approval)
  • DFS completed in January 2019 with very attractive economics^
  • 382 Mt JORC Resource across 2 deposits (Kido and Lea Lea), including 205 Mt Measured sufficient to supply raw materials for a multi-generation cement and lime factory^
  • 25 year Environmental Permit secured
  • MOU signed with PNG’s National Oil and Gas Company Kumul Petroleum for gas supply*
  • Import replacement and export market penetration opportunities identified for quicklime, cement and clinker products
  • Co-located quarry, plant site and deep draft wharf will enable very low operating costs while providing direct access to both seaborne domestic and export markets

^ for further detailed information on the DFS and associated JORC Resources refer to ASX announcement dated 24 January 2019 — ‘DFS complete for Central Cement and Lime Project’

Ask for Teaser Lime Investment Opportunity Datasheet:




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