We originate certified carbon credits to help the lime market get to Net Zero.

Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2022


Nature-based offsets use plants, trees, soil or the ocean to remove carbon from the atmosphere. There are other forms too, like community-based project offsets, but nature and energy offsets are two of the largest categories.

Conservation, restoration, and land-management actions that increase carbon storage and avoid greenhouse-gas emissions — offer a way to address both crises and to increase resilience as the climate changes. Climate action requires both the reduction of emissions and the removal of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere. NCS can help with both, starting today.

Lime kilns emissions and trees equivalence.

Lime production is carbon intensive. No doubt about that.

When we talk about Lime — which by the way is also known as Quicklime, Burnt Lime or even Unslaked Lime — we often also talk about CO2. But why is that? Well, that’s because Lime production creates a lot of it.

Bamboo forests for carbon offset by Forever Zero CO2

Within the portfolio of carbon offset solutions, X4LIME is proposing effective and cheap natural solution capable to compensate each 100 tpd production with by means a RINA certified bamboo plantation of 135 Ha.

Other solutions

Planet NetZero is fighting climate change by creating Carbon Estates. Working with communities and climate-positive technology, we originate certified carbon credits to help the world to get to Net Zero.

We produce certified carbon credits that can be traded on carbon markets or purchased by organizations or brands to offset their carbon footprint.

© Published with ❤ by QualiCal 2022



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