Convolutional Neural Networks — Simplified

An un-convoluted explanation to a powerful algorithm widely used in image recognition tasks

Prateek Karkare
AI Graduate


Take a moment to observe and look at your surroundings. Even if you are sitting still on your chair or lying on your bed, your brain is constantly trying to analyze the dynamic world around you. Without your conscious effort your brain is continuously making predictions and acting upon them.

Photo By Adrienn, Source:

After just a brief look at this photo you identified that there are humans and objects in the scene. You immediately identified some of the objects in the scene as wine glasses, plate, table, lights etc. You probably also guessed that the ladies in the photograph are enjoying their meal. How were you able to make those predictions? How did you identify the numerous objects in the picture?

It took nature millions of years of evolution to achieve this remarkable feat. Our eye and our brain work in perfect harmony to create such beautiful visual experiences. The system which makes this possible for us is the eye, our visual pathway and the visual cortex inside our brain.

Primary Visual Pathway, Source:



Prateek Karkare
AI Graduate

Rapid AI | Healthcare, Software, Artificial Intelligence | Music & Food