KNN Classification Algorithm in Python

This is a Python code walkthrough of how to implement k-nearest neighbours algorithm

Rishi Sidhu
AI Graduate


K-nearest neighbours is a classification algorithm. This article explains the the concept behind it. Let us look at how to make it happen in code.

Photo by Fabian Grohs on Unsplash

We will be using a python library called scikit-learn to implement KNN.

Scikit-Learn is a very powerful machine learning library. It was initially developed by David Cournapeau as a Google summer of code project in 2007.

This library contains some datasets. Today we will be using the Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset and looking at how to implement KNN Algorithm


Loading the dataset

This is a dataset that contains 569 datapoints. Each datapoint has values on 30 features. Together these features determine whether a person’s cells are malignant cells or benign.

from sklearn.datasets import…



Rishi Sidhu
AI Graduate

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