Xank Token Distribution and Lockup Schedule

Xank Money
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2020

Hello Xank community,

Today, we’d like to share with you Xank’s token distribution and lockup schedule in a single post so that you guys don’t have to go through our various papers to find this information. Let’s get right into it!

Token Distribution

A total of 1,000,000,000 (one billion) tokens are currently issued, and this number, although fixed for now, is expected to change when we launch our main network. The following image pretty much gives you everything you need to know about our token distribution.

While 40% of the supply is allocated for the token sale, not all of the tokens have been sold. Therefore, a portion of the token sale supply will be distributed to Xank’s private and public stakers.

Next, let’s get into our lockup schedule.

Token Lockup Schedule

From very early on, we’ve established strictly enforced rules for token lockups for the team and advisors, private sale participants, and public sale (IEO) participants.

  • Lockup period: 1 year from first exchange listing (April 2020)
  • Unlock schedule: 10% released per month for 10 months starting April 2021
  • Lockup period: 6 months from first exchange listing (April 2020)
  • Unlock schedule: 10% released per month for 10 months starting October 2020
  • Lockup period: 6 months from first exchange listing (April 2020)
  • Unlock schedule: 10% released per month for 10 months starting October 2020

We understand that tokenomics is a critical aspect of a project’s long term growth and sustainability and have put much thought into setting up this token distribution and lockup structure. We will continue to do our best for a healthy network and ecosystem.

Thank you.

If you have any questions, please join our Telegram or Kakaochat group!

