XAR — Understanding the Discounted Sale Offer (DSO)

Xarcade Official
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2018
XAR at 20% discount

There will be a 20% discount during the term of Xarcade’s DSO which will be explained below.

XAR will be pegged at EUR 1.00, but early buyers during the DSO will have the advantage of purchasing XAR at EUR 0.80.

The DSO will be running for 30 days, starting January 1st to January 31st 2018.

XAR is a “consumptive token,” meaning there is no expectation from Xarcade of a return of profit from its use, and it would be used to purchase something or create the entitlement of a discount on the platform. XAR also has no “common enterprise.” There is no correlation between the fortunes of an investor and a promoter, and the success of the investor is not dependent on a promoter’s expertise.

In short, XAR is not a token of investment but a token that has a consumptive nature, like any other services to be consumed with the use of prior purchased credits.

How XAR pricing will work:

Throughout the DSO, the pricing of XAR will be based on the pricing updates provided by coinmarketcap.com.

The prices from coinmarketcap.com will be sampled every 5 minutes and will be averaged on the hour (the sum total price/12).

It is important to note that each batch of transactions will be valued every hour on the hour. Therefore, (for example) if a transaction is sent in at 15:22 UTC, it will be valued based on the average between 15:05 UTC and 16:00 UTC.

When BTC is sent to the Xarcade wallet, it may assume a different price which is computed based on an average formula using coinmarketcap.com.

Throughout the DSO, the price of each XAR will have the following scale:

• Less than 5 million XAR sold, the price is EUR 0.80 per XAR
• Next 5 million XAR, between 5 million and 10 million XAR sold, the price is EUR 0.85 per XAR
• Next 5 million XAR, between 10 million and 15 million XAR sold, the price is EUR 0.90 per XAR
• Next 5 million XAR, between 15 million and 20 million XAR sold, the price is EUR 0.95 per XAR
• Above 20 million XAR sold, the price shall be EUR 0.99 per XAR

How to buy XAR:

During the Xarcade Discounted Sale Offer (DSO) you can go directly to the “Buy discounted XAR” webpage below to purchase your XAR at a 20 % discount.

* Buy Discounted XAR with XEM:

A surprise gift will be also given to those who purchase XAR with XEM.

* Buy Discounted XAR with other cryptos:



Xarcade Official

A cost-effective video game distribution platform powered by ProximaX. For more information visit www.xarcade.io