Announcing the xBase API

Oskar Duris
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2019

As a part of our plan to support decentralized cryptocurrencies and especially xDAC ecosystem, we made substantive improvements to our developer platform, making it easier for third-party developers to build crypto apps and to successfully grow user base. This is the first post in our brand new developer blog and going forward we’ll be using this blog to announce changes and improvements among other updates in xBase exchange.

During the last several weeks we have been hard at work improving API performance and documentation, adding new endpoints, and making significant security improvements. This is a significant milestone for our exchange which is now opening trading to market makers, trading bots and other trading tools as well as various listing websites. Here’s a short update on the latest changes.


The new API version now supports accounts and users. Each account owner can create multiple users, and the trading activity of each user is tracked and logged. This will benefit especially organizations or traders with automated trading tools so they can track each user independently and compare their performance.

New endpoints

This is the list of endpoints which were recently added or modified.

  • POST /users/login Log in as a user to your account.
  • POST /orders/addOrder Place a new order.
  • POST /orders/cancelOrder Cancel a previously placed order.
  • GET /orders/getOrder Get details about submitted order.
  • GET /orders/listOrders List orders.
  • GET /orders/listMyOrders List orders for a specific account.
  • GET /markets/listOrderBook Get a list of open orders for a specific market.
  • GET /markets/tickers Snapshot information about the 24h volume.
  • POST /wallets/create Creates a new wallet address for the account.
  • GET /wallets/listWallets Get all account wallets.
  • GET /wallets/listTransactions Get a list of transactions for a specific wallet address.
  • POST /wallets/addPayment Send payment from the wallet.


Full documentation is available at

To keep up with future announcements, subscribe to this blog and follow @xBase_exchange on Twitter.

