XBorg x Ethlizards Illuvium Showdown #2 Recap

Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2023

On the 4th of February, the second iteration of the Illuvium Showdown commenced.

95 players, which is more than double the amount of entrants we got for our first tournament, entered our second tournament for another 24 hours of battling with the daily deck in the Illuvium Survival Arena.

Each participant had the entire day to reach and defeat the highest wave they could with the top 8 players earning prizes. In the event that players reached the same wave, the tiebreakers came down to whoever had killed the most enemies and then whoever took the least amount of time in preparing for each wave.

The tournament had a clear effect on overall player participation in the game as almost the entire top 20 for the day were competing in this showdown. Here are the players who made it into the top 8 and into the money.

Like the first showdown the top of the leaderboard was extremely close and every player that was able to defeat Wave 32 made it into our top 8, but only one of those players was able to defeat Wave 33. That player was Patate_HYPE of the Hyperion Guild. Here is his solution for that wave and a strategic explanation from the champion himself.

“The general ideas of this kind of team is to tank almost everything with my granite units, have my revenants touch the most units, setup blazenite’s tornado and most importantly setup ramphyre to omega on as much units as he can. We can separate and analyze this round through 3 main components; the frontline (goliant/blazenite), my backline (seeforus) & my rogues (ramphyre/ranger/loloura/verminio/nimble/dash).

The frontline; I had goliant tank everyone here except the scaraboc that was going on blazenite. This made best use of granite while using blazenite tankiness a bit but more importantly make him available to cast his tornado on the entire board by the time it comes. This frontline setup was my first attempt and i kept it for the subsequent tries.

The backline; My seeforus is taking all the initial rogue domage with his granite ability, with sapping hex he was also slowing them down. This effect is very big on that many rogues all fully augmented. This type of strategy is especially useful because slowing down their ramphyre attack speed ensure that my ramphyre will cast his omega before the enemy one. The seeforus positionning had to be precise, it had to take 4 rogues and let only the one on the right (volante) go on my goliant. On my 2nd attempt my seeforus was a bit more in the back and then because ramphyre spawn didnt fit behind the nimble terralynx got pushed and went on goliant too, this caused the my goliant to die faster wich meant volante omega (silence effect) was now on blazenite and it cut out the tornado. I adjusted back to make sure Seeforus always took 4 rogues (+groko & dualeph from the frontline).

The rogues; At first my rogues were too packed on the right, my ramphyre couldnt reliably do his omega before theirs because it wasnt constently auto-attacking & my verminio was either dying before doing his omega or not doing it on multiple enemies. While spreading more & more and tweaking my rogues positionning on my 2nd attempt i had the loloura on dualeph wich was very good and stayed in my strategy. Loloura auto-attacks activate saccharine escape wich makes the dualeph vulnerable to die at the end when hes the last standing after ramphyre’s omega. It also keep the goliant (with sapping hex) away from my main pack & eat the first dualeph omega wich ensure it doesnt go on ramphyre for example.By ending up spreading them like in the screenshot above it enabled my ramphyre to constantly auto-attack, therefore reliably omega before theirs & the verminio on the edge does his omega on multiple opponents.”

A big thank you and well played to all the people organizing the tournament from both the XBorg and Ethlizards community as well as all the players for participating. We look forward to bringing everyone even more tournaments in the future.

