Part 1 - XCAD DEX Launch.

Oly Bell
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2021


Today the XCAD team is pleased to announce the V1 XCAD DEX is now live! As you may have heard, the XCAD DEX will now support other ZRC2 assets instead of just fan tokens. This is the very first release, the DEX is just one component of the XCAD ecosystem, while most projects who have a DEX, have it as their main value proposition, this is just one element of our ecosystem.

We’ve opened a few trading pairs to kick us off, many more will be added soon (Including fan tokens).


All trading pairs are against XCAD, this means XCAD is taken off the market!

The starting trading pairs are as follows and will reward high APY in dXCAD as a reward for providing liquidity:

LP Farms

XCAD/dXCAD (+650% APY)

XCAD/zUSDT (+2000% APY)

XCAD/PORT (+2000% APY)

XCAD/CARB (+2000% APY)

Current APY’s on the XCAD DEX

You can then stake dXCAD and in return you will be rewarded in the following:

Single Asset farms:

Stake dXCAD = Earn CARB (+2000% APY)

Stake dXCAD = Earn PORT (+2000% APY)

Stake dXCAD = Earn dXCAD (+2000% APY)

How to Bridge your XCAD from ERC20 to ZRC-2

You will need to bridge XCADs to ZRC-2 if you don’t already have XCAD on Zilliqa, bridging your XCAD from ERC20 to ZRC-2 is simple, although you must be holding XCADs in a non custodial wallet such as MetaMask.

Once you have XCAD in a non custodial wallet, go to the ZilBridge which can be found here.

Upon visiting the ZilBridge you will be asked to connect 2 wallets, one from ERC20 (Where you hold your XCAD) and a Zilliqa wallet such as Zilpay (Where you want your XCADs to go). If you don’t already have a Zilliqa wallet, you can set one up via Zilpay. You will then be given the option of tokens to choose from, in the drop down box, choose “XCAD” as your selected token, choose the amount you wish to transfer and click the “Approve” button. Clicking this button will cause a pop up in your wallet asking you to confirm the transaction, after the transaction confirms, you will then have to click the Swap button & confirm the transaction in your wallet again.

The version of the DEX we intended to release was the V2 version with a better user interface, charts and more utility for dXCAD, however we have not completed enough testing yet to release this build. We expect to release an updated version in Q1 2022.

Please note, reward rates will be subject to change, as we focus on being data driven and ensuring long term sustainability for dXCAD. We also expect there to be a few bugs, which will be ironed out over the next couple of days.

Every project that lists on the XCAD DEX will have co marketing with the XCAD team including infographics, interviews and more, which will allow them to reach a wider audience outside of just the Zilliqa ecosystem.

Stay tuned for our CLO Launchpad launch on the 31st of December.. And keep your eyes out for an announcement regarding the Plug-In launch, the final part of the puzzle.

Oh and keep an eye out for single asset XCAD staking!


