Book travel to Daming Palace — cultural heritage site not only for China but also for the whole world

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History of Daming Palace

Daming Palace, located on Longshou Plain in the north-east of Xi’an, is a cluster of palaces built during the Tang Dynasty. It is currently the most magnificent, most neatly arranged and most distinctively planned palace cluster in the world. It is an important part of ancient civilized Chang`an City, which is well-known in the world.

Daming Palace was built in AD 634 as the political center for the Tang Dynasty. It survived for 270 years. Its design and planning concepts were revolutionary in the world 1,300 years ago, and have influenced the designs and plans of royal gardens, palaces and cities in China, and even in Japan, Korea and other countries. Its spirits of “Openness, Tolerance and Harmony” have been incorporated as a culture character of the Chinese nation. Daming Palace is not only a humanistic symbol of China as a nation, but also a holy place admired by people of the world. Today’s Daming Palace is a precious cultural heritage site not only for China but also for the whole world.

After a thousand years of vicissitudes, Daming Palace Heritage site had been excavated from 1957 for 50 years by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, It had become the most important relic that represented Chinese Tang Dynasty history. Excavations showed that the existing Daming Palace Heritage site covers an area of about 3.7 square km, 4.5 times that of the Imperial Palace in Beijing, 15 times that of the Buckingham Palace in England, and of the same size as the Central Park in New York City, USA.

Renovation and preservation of Daming Palace Heritage Site is not only a key heritage protection project in the national “Eleventh Five-Year” period, but also a major national cultural project. It benefits future Chinese generations and is also an integral part of the world`s cultural heritage protection sites.

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