“Crypto-believers” Italians and “skeptics-atheists” British.

XcelPay Wallet
XcelPay Magazine
Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2020

There is growing confidence in Europe that cryptocurrencies will still exist in 2030: 2/3 of the Europeans surveyed believe that this is so. These data are reflected in the study service bitFlyer Europe. The Italians believe most in cryptocurrency and the British least of all.

Experts also compared them with the results of the first survey conducted in 2019. According to the report, the rating was compiled based on a consumer survey of 10,000 respondents in 10 European countries. Its purpose is to show the level of confidence of the European population on the issue of whether digital financial assets will exist in ten years. However, given that the survey was conducted in March, this year there was another factor that could not be predicted in advance — the coronavirus pandemic. This has caused great volatility in the value of both traditional and new assets. However, the survey showed that 2/3, or 66% of the 10,000 people surveyed, believe that cryptocurrencies will still exist in 2030. This figure is 3% higher than last year. In addition, an increase was noted in all but two countries surveyed.

This shows that “confidence in cryptocurrencies continues to grow, despite the detrimental effect of coronavirus on the global economic landscape,” the exchange said. Overall, the results “indicate a slow but steady hardening of cryptocurrencies in the public mind,” according to Andy Bryant, COO of BitFlyer Europe. “On the one hand, we can see this as an achievement for digital currencies, despite the difficult economic times we face. On the other hand, it is worth considering that such indicators can be caused in part by just this situation,” he added. “This is an important time for cryptocurrencies.

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In addition, 9% of Europeans (compared with 8% in 2019) believe that Bitcoin (BTC) will be fully integrated into society as a form of currency in 2030. The same amount (compared to 7% in 2019) is believed to be used as security guarantees or investments. Moreover, 25% of respondents — 2% more than in 2019 — replied that they were confident that cryptocurrencies would still exist for a decade, but that they had no idea how to use them.

However, the head of the Central Bank of Japan notes the lack of demand for CBDC. At the same time, the Bank of Japan undertook to research cryptocurrencies.

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XcelPay Wallet
XcelPay Magazine

The new age Integrated Crypto Wallet and Merchant POS is to disrupt the traditional payment solutions around the world.