Link your decentralized wallet to XcelSwap & SWAP tokens

XcelPay Magazine
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2022

XcelSwap supports various decentralized wallets within its platform to aid its users in trading cryptos faster, easily and more conveniently.

Follow these steps below to connect any decentralized cryptocurrency wallet to XcelSwap and start swapping, staking, and farming your crypto currencies at reliable, faster and cheaper trading rates.

Go to the official website of XcelSwap.

Press on the ‘Connect’ button located at the top right screen of DEX.

A pop-up menu will appear to connect your decentralized wallet to dex.

XcelSwap provides users with several wallet options like Trust Wallet, Metamask Wallet, Math Wallet, TokenPocket, Binance Chain, SafePal & Coin98.

Users can use the Wallet Connect option as well to connect their cryptocurrency wallets to the decentralized exchange.

Follow these simple steps to connect a cryptocurrency wallet to XcelSwap so you may start enjoying many benefits of automated market maker XcelSwap!

Here we elucidate : how to connect your XcelPay Wallet to XcelSwap.

On the ‘Connect Wallet’ drop down menu click on the “ Wallet Connect”.

A QR code reader will pop up on your screen.

Go to your decentralised and non-custodial wallet app XcelPay Wallet and locate the “wallet connect’’ option from the setting.

Once you are inside, press on the button located at the top right of the screen. A camera will be opened. Use it to scan the QR code.

It will take some time to verify your connection. After the connection is set up you can easily trade your crypto assets as well as farm on XcelSwap.

Powered by Xcellab Ecosystem, XcelSwap is a decentralized automated market-maker that aims to make Decentralized Finance (DeFi) accessible to all. The platform supports the crypto-community to swap over 220+ BEP-20 tokens based on Binance Smart Chain.

Join the Xcellab Community and become a part of a thriving crypto-community!



XcelPay Magazine

XcelSwap- a decentralized exchange built to increase utilities and trustless (permissionless) transactions using smart contracts.