Make Your Romantic Dreams Come True In Paris

Xcel Trip
XcelPay Magazine
Published in
5 min readFeb 6, 2020

Paris is like nowhere else when it comes to love. This is a city that encourages all in it to be free, light of spirit and carefree. Venice, Rome and New York all lay claim to being romantic, but Paris has its own special aura, because the City of Light is also the City of Love. Whether it’s lounging on the grass outside The Museum of Romantic Life, purring sweet nothings under the Eiffel Tower or embracing in front of “The Wall of I Love You”, Paris is the ultimate place of the heart, as you’ll find in our selection of the 6 Romantic Destinations To Visit in Paris With Your Partner This Valentine’s Day:

The Butte Montmartre


Montmartre is renowned as the home of artists, of dancers, the can-can and as the setting of the romantic film ‘Amelie’. Known by the French as “the Butte Montmartre”, at its peak there’s the extraordinary architecture of the Sacré-Coeur, the great Church of the Sacred Heart, which some say has echoes of the Taj Mahal. From there there’s the essential romantic view of Paris, with winding streets and slate roofs spiralling below. Montmartre is the Parisian village of the past, the city of the Belle Epoque, and its squares and cafes are favourite places for lovers. Charming hotels and beautiful small restaurants add to the atmosphere of a uniquely romantic district of Paris.

The garden of the Museum of Romantic Life


A secret haven at the foot of Montmartre, the garden of the Museum of Romantic Life is a delight for lovers who are seeking a place of peace of tranquillity. If it’s cold or raining, there’s a charming refuge to be had under the protective glass of the beautiful cafe, with tea to warm the heart. If it’s sunny, there’s nothing better than to lounge comfortably in the country garden outside, which is open to everyone, not just visitors to the museum. In sunny months, the perfume of spring and summer flowers fills the air, and the garden is rarely crowded so it’s easy to find a beautiful, private place to sit. The enchanting location, the beautiful cafe — there are pastries too! — and the garden itself combines to make a magical place for lovers.

Square du Vert Galant\


Not far away from the Place Dauphine is another magical square, located right on the tip of the Île de la Cité. Square du Vert Galant was built in tribute to the mistresses of Henri IV and could hardly be more romantic. This is a green space surrounded by the Seine, a great place to soak up the sun, with feet dangling above the water, watching barges and boats, such as those of the Bateaux Mouches, meander past. This square is packed on summer days, and yet it remains one of the favoured places for romantics who seek the delightful combination of sparkling water and the greenery of the trees. In winter, there’s more privacy for lovers, who may choose to bring along a warm jacket or perhaps a blanket to keep them protected from the breeze from the Seine.

Parc Montsouris


Parc Montsouris is a beautiful, large park, planted in the English tradition, a sanctuary in the 14th arrondissement where lovers can lose themselves. In summer the park bursts with flora and fauna. This is a dreamlike place with vast expanses of grass, ancient trees and a lake with caves and waterfalls. In all, this is one of the most relaxed parts of the French capital. The driveway into the park near the Boulevard Jourdan is a favourite for foreign students who whisper their love as they sit on the benches.

A walk on the banks of the Seine


The quays of the Seine are a must for couples in love. The Seine is the perfect companion for romantics to walk hand in hand, passing the Pont des Arts, the Louvre, the majestic Notre-Dame cathedral and the Île Saint-Louis. The banks of the Seine are the very heart of the City of Light and embody its many centuries of history, centuries when couples have used the Seine’s banks to declare their love. The two islands in the river, Île Saint-Louis and Île de la Cité, attract lovers seeking peace, quiet and elegant, small restaurants. The brides over the river have always attracted lovers who linger under them. By tradition, couples who kiss under the Pont Marie, the bridge which links the Île Saint-Louis with the Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, should make a secret wish — guaranteed, of course, to come true. Finally, one of the simplest of all romantic walks is along the Seine to find the traditional booksellers with their antiquarian wares.

The Wall of Love


Not far away, hidden in Jehan Rictus Square near Abbesses Metro station, is the “Wall of I Love You”, built to celebrate love and peace. In our world today, walls and borders serve to divide people. This wall is different, designed to unite everyone in love, with “I Love You” inscribed 311 times on it in 250 languages. Truly a place of love.

Use XcelTrip to make wonderful memories by choosing one of these 6 romantic destinations to visit in Paris with your partner this Valentine’s Day.

