New Listing Alert — XcelDefi Getting Listed on Coinsbit

XcelPay $XLD
XcelPay Magazine
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2022

You can buy/sell and hold XcelDefi (XLD), a BEP-20 token on Binance Smart Chain, on leading crypto currency exchange platform Coinsbit.

The XLD/USDT trading pair will be available on Coinsbit from 12th January 2022.

XcelDefi (XLD) is a novel token on the Binance Smart Chain, created and backed-up by Xcellab Ecosystem, with an intention to restructure the traditional financial ecosystem.Built on the principles of — safety, transparency, efficiency and decentralization, XcelDefi envisions to build a fully-decentralized economy that allows for trustless and permissionless financial transactions.

XcelDefi History and Future Roadmap

The inception of XcelDefi took place in the early quarters of 2021. The project was launched in early September of 2021.The XcelDefi whitepaper has been published and is available on the company’s official website.

XcelDefi has already been listed on leading cryptocurrency most-referenced price tracking platform like Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, Dextools, Poocoin and Binance blockchain explorer BSCscan.XcelDefi (XLD) is also available to swap on decentralized exchange like PancakeSwap, XcelSwap, ApeSwap and BakerySwap.

XcelDefi has already been listed on centralised exchanges like LATOKEN and BW Exchange. Users can also buy XcelDefi through the decentralised cryptocurrency wallet XcelPay Wallet.

Looking ahead, the year 2022 is going to be an exciting year for XcelDefi holders as the XcelDefi(XLD) gets listed on other centralised and decentralised exchanges. Now trading XcelDefi (XLD) is going to be more convenient and profitable.

XcelDefi has more plans for the future to achieve what it has envisioned- incorporating defi into our everyday lives. The year 2022 will bring better news as the project team is working on: developing its own blockchain, putting up a voting system in place to allow decentralized governance through XLD, and launching credit cards and earning with XcelDefi.

Why choose investing in XcelDefi — XLD

XcelDefi- XLD provides its users with the best utility and excellent returns on investments. XcelDefi recognizes that many cryptocurrencies that exist in the market, at present time,lack sound application and real-case use.

But, XcelDefi is the native token of the Xcellab Ecosystem. A holistic ecosystem that envisions making DeFi accessible to all by integrating blockchain and its use cases to become a part of everyday life. Xcellab is working to allow for seamless interoperability and building a highly scalable and secure system to accommodate the next generation of decentralized financial products.

So, how does XcelDefi come into play? XLD is built to make the most out of the XcelLab Ecosystem and to increase the adoption of crypto by making XLD token available for real life use cases.

XcelDefi holders can book over 2.3 million hotels and 450+ airlines worldwide on the decentralized OTA travel platform XcelTrip.

Via XcelPay Wallet, XLD holders can top up more than 900+ mobile networks all over the world and purchase over 350+ gift cards from Amazon, Playstore, Applestore and other platforms. They can also send, receive, buy, swap, store XcelDefi(XLD) and other ERC-20 tokens and BEP-20 tokens on a secure, non-custodial XcelPay Wallet.

Supported by automatic smart contracts, XcelDefi (XLD) is the next generation BEP-20 token. XcelDefi is a governance token for XcelSwap, a decentralized exchange built on Binance Smart Chain. XLD holders can engage in staking, liquidity mining and yield farming in XcelSwap to earn higher returns and amazing rewards.They can also contribute to shaping the future of XcelSwap as they have the right to vote on project development and amendments, while maintaining full custody of their token. XLD holders can also participate in the XcelSwap liquidity pool and become a liquidity provider, and win tokens as rewards.

XLD Tokenomics

XcelDefi will be dynamically minted upto Maximum supply of 111 million
Emission rate

· XcelDefi will be dynamically minted upto Maximum supply.
· Daily Block in BSC : 28800 (max)
· Per block: 10 XLD
· Burn: 50% per block
· Daily total mint: 288000
· Daily burn: 144000
· Daily Effective Mint: 144000

In addition to the above, a dynamic amount of XLD is also minted to the Dev address at a rate of 9.09%. This means that if 100 XLD are harvested, then 9.09 XLD is minted in addition and sent to the Dev Address.

However, all XLD minted to the Dev address is burned in the weekly bur, and never enters circulation. As such, we have not included it in the above emission rate.

To learn more about XcelDefi refer to our Roadmap and whitepaper.

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XcelPay $XLD
XcelPay Magazine

XcelPay is the native token on XcelPay Ecosystem that provides its users with amazing utilities. Powered by @XcelPayWallet & @xceltrip ! Explore on CMC: $XLD