Our Team — Yu Hao He

Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2018

Today we’re pleased to say that Yu Hao He will be joining our XCredits team as part of our business team.

Who are you?

I’m Yu Hao!

What is your role at XCredits?
I’m the Investor and Partnerships Manager.

What exactly does that mean?

Using research and analysis of business trends and activities, I identify internal and external stakeholders to identify partnership opportunities and approach prospective partners.

Where are you from?

I’m from Sydney, Australia.

Where and what did you study?

I study Business and Law, majoring in Finance at the University of Technology, Sydney.

What made you interested in the role at XCredits?

As a novice in the cryptocurrency field, this role presented me with an opportunity to learn more about the industry and challenge my limits in a market known for its steep learning curve. Furthermore, an opportunity to work closely with James was a very appealing opportunity as he is a very inspiring and captivating individual and mentor.

Is this your first experience in the cryptocurrency world?

This is my first time working as an Investor and Partnerships Manager in the cryptocurrency industry.

What makes you so excited about working in cryptocurrency?

I’m really excited to be involved in an industry that has the potential to revolutionise the traditional economic structure and transform how banks and financial institutions operate. Furthermore, I am deeply attracted to this competitive industry with its high-risk, speculative investments and potentially astronomical returns.

What else do you do?

I love to party and organise frequent hikes around Sydney.

I’m so excited to be joining XCredits and working with the team to launch the XCredits platform.


