My Config 2024 Key Takeaways (Umm… I Hope It’s Not Too Late?)

Hugo Villarreal
XD Studio Monterrey
3 min readAug 3, 2024
This year Config 2024 was held again at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.

Here’s a recap of the most impactful highlights, sprinkled with some (hopefully) useful insights. To make this recap more digestible, I’ve organized the information based on themes rather than the order they were presented at the conference. This way, you can easily find the sections that interest you most without having to sift through the entire event chronologically.

First of all, what is Config?

For those new to the scene (just as I was a few years ago), Config is the must-attend event for anyone passionate about UI/UX design. It’s the stage where Figma unveils the latest trends, tools, and techniques that we’ll be using and raving about in the year ahead. This year’s event was a powerhouse, featuring a keynote, two days of speeches, workshops, and hands-on tutorials — all presented by over 75 industry leaders.

Naturally, Figma created an incredible summary video…

UI3: Redefining the Designer’s Playground

Let’s kick things off with the most significant update to the Figma tool: a redesigned user interface, affectionately called UI3. This change aims to standardize the visual experience across all Figma tools, making it more cohesive with products like Mural and Figma Slides. While some designers on my team aren’t fans of the new look, I understand it’s a part of the broader effort to unify the design ecosystem.

Notable changes include:

  • Absolute Positioning Renamed: Say hello to “Ignore Auto Layout.” It’s the same trusty feature but with a new moniker.
  • Blend Modes: Layers can now sport different blend modes, adding more flexibility to your design palette.
  • Tool Relocations: “Add Variant” and other tools have found new homes within the interface, which might take a bit of getting used to, but ultimately make for a more efficient workflow.

For a deep dive into the redesign, Figma’s blog provides a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the thinking and process behind UI3.

Figma Actions: Boosting Productivity with AI

Config 2024 also saw the introduction of Figma Actions, a suite of AI-powered features designed to turbocharge your productivity:

  • Visual and Asset Search: This tool leverages AI to help you find design components and images using visual cues instead of text. It’s like having a superpower that lets you locate the perfect asset even when you can’t remember its name.
  • Productivity Updates: Features like automatic layer renaming and quick-click prototyping are designed to streamline your workflow, saving precious time for the creative work that truly matters.

Generating Designs with a Click

One of the most curious new features is the “Make Design” action. Type in a text prompt, and voila! Figma generates a design for you… It seems promising but we’ll have to wait and see if it’s not just a marketing ploy.

In any case, the AI magic doesn’t stop there. Other tools are getting enhancements too. For example, in FigJam, the “Generate” action allows users to transform ideas into diagrams and automate tasks instantly. This is a game-changer for brainstorming sessions and rapid prototyping.

For a practical demonstration, check out the video recommendations from Config, including “How We Redesigned Figma” and “Design Systems Best Practices” on Figma’s YouTube channel.

Final Thoughts

Config 2024 was a whirlwind of innovation and inspiration, reaffirming Figma’s position as a leader in the UI/UX design space. The event showcased groundbreaking features, such as the revamped UI3, powerful AI tools like “Make Design” and “Generate,” and productivity-boosting updates. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, the tools and insights from this year’s event will undoubtedly help you craft better, more intuitive designs. So, here’s to another year of pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in design — armed with the latest from Config and a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

For more detailed updates and to catch up on what you might have missed, check out Figma’s Config 2024 Blog and YouTube playlists.

Stay curious, keep designing, and see you at next year’s Config!



Hugo Villarreal
XD Studio Monterrey

Senior UI/UX Designer with 10+ years in graphic design, animation, and content creation. Passionate about innovation, gaming, and sharing design life insights.