The inner Interaction Design (IxD)Master

Connect with your creative self through meditation.

XD Studio Monterrey
4 min readAug 18, 2022


The benefits of Meditation are vast, it can help reduce high pressure and stress; it can modify your brain in areas associated with learning, memory, and emotion regulation from the first session; and it can help focus and improve performance at work. Moreover, I want to introduce another way of meditation that can help on your personal journey, your growth, and evolution, it can help you understand YOU.

Knowing thyself

When I started doing meditation it was very comforting, especially doing it at night helped me sleep better; but for the day-to-day work struggles and design problems, I found that this technique could help when feeling overwhelmed and trying to find a way to solve a UX/UI problem.

The inner IxD Master

Probably by this point in life we all have seen quotes like: “You have all the answers already within you”, and “If you listen carefully, all questions will be answered” or “Look inside to find wisdom”, and essentially …

It’s true, we all have an inner voice that guides us, we all have this intuition that tells us when to leave a place or change directions when driving at night to avoid danger, it is the inner master or the inner IxD Master, our inner power. This inner Master is our very self from a higher consciousness; it guides us from a higher perspective, it is connected with the universal source where all the collective wisdom resides, but… how do we connect with this collective source and where does one start?

In Mindfulness and Meditation, it’s often said you must clear your mind from all chattering or monkey voices; and the truth is we can ask this inner voice our deepest questions and there will be an answer, there is nothing to be afraid of, as this will help understand problems from another perspective.

Try this

Take a moment to be at peace, no cellphone, no worries, a moment just for you.

Take 3 deep breaths and start focusing, let your mind wander freely. It’s very important not to judge what you are thinking or seeing. In your mind, you are free to think and feel whatever you want.

Imagine yourself in a very quiet place, think of a mountain or lake. You are surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers, birds and friendly animals, take a deep breath of this clear air, feel the cold breeze on your face, you are at peace and ready.

You can ask about everything!

Start focusing on the first question, ask about your problem, ask about what you want to achieve with this particular product or flow, and listen to the answer. Again, don’t judge the message. At first, you may not like the answer or think it’s absurd; allow the voice to speak freely, let it flow and no matter what… keep on listening, let the inner master manifest, and speak truthfully and lovingly to you. Take all the time you need to listen.

After some time, you will feel it’s time to say goodbye. Say a ‘Thank you’ or be grateful in the way you feel more comfortable, and now you can leave this space, don’t worry you can come back any time you want.

Take 3 more breaths to get back to the present, to the here and now.

Understanding the experience

What you heard and saw was an exercise of mindfulness where you analyze a particular issue from another perspective, in this case, a creativity problem. By asking questions to your inner IxD Master you were gaining wisdom about how to be creative in another way in order to achieve your main UX/UI goal.

Taking notes of the session will help you gain a better understanding of the experience, and remember not to judge what was said, saw, or felt. This work will help you on your personal path to a higher consciousness of yourself and your actions, what your patterns are, and the way you do things. This will have a major effect on your day-to-day life and will help you understand quicker any UX/UI problem in the future.

So, ask away and keep the inspiration coming.🪄💕

