xDAC Development Update

Oskar Duris
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2018

Testnet, XDAC Coin Sale, Token Swap, xDAC Exchange, Bounties Distribution

We would like to invite everyone to test our DApp alpha version released on xDAC testnet at test.xdac.net or jump right on the livenet at xdac.co. Each user who creates a personal account on the testnet will automatically receive 250 testing XDAC coins to try company creation functionality. To interact with a company, personal account or a wallet, you need to have the Scatter extension installed in your Chrome browser for identity management.

Please keep in mind: xDAC is a highly experimental technology and many parts of the system are still under development.

What You’ll Find in the Alpha Version

The initial version combines company creation and a listing of companies in a decentralized equity marketplace with market capitalization. You can create a company, issue equity tokens, and start the token sale. Each company is deployed to the xDAC blockchain as soon as the company has its first owner.

This version also comes with a wallet that allows you to see your account balance and transfer XDAC coins or company tokens to another account. We also added an option to buy XDAC coins and swap XDAC ERC20 tokens for XDAC coins, which are disabled in testnet and will be available on livenet.

Livenet and XDAC Coin Sale

Livenet will become available on September 5th together with an XDAC coin sale. You will have the opportunity to purchase XDAC coins directly on our livenet. Everyone who purchases coins between September 5th and November 5th will receive a bonus of 20% after November 5th.

Token SWAP

As soon as livenet is available, everyone holding original XDAC ERC20 tokens can swap them for new XDAC coins. An xDAC personal account is required to hold new coins.

xDAC Exchange

XDAC coins will be listed on an exchange after ICO. To complete the ecosystem for decentralized companies, we plan to develop our own exchange. It will focus only on equity tokens and list tokens of xDAC companies against XDAC, BTC, and USDT.

Bounties Distribution

After November 5th, all bounties that were not distributed yet will be distributed to the ETH address you provided in the bounty form. After you receive your bounty ERC20 tokens, you can swap them for XDAC coins anytime.

