Build It On XDC: Blockchain for the masses

Dave Marcus
XDC Foundation Communications
4 min readMar 8, 2022

In the crypto space, we hear a lot about utility in blockchain. But what does that mean? To what extent can people use a particular blockchain network? Is it cheap enough for anyone to use, especially in the developing world? Can the average user deploy smart contracts themselves, or are they reliant on third party developers?

From its inception in 2017, the open-source XDC Network and its ecosystem have benefited greatly from community-driven growth. Through a community of advocates and early adopters, the XDC Network was able to deliver the blockchain technology experience to a wide range of projects, enterprises and industries, while facilitating further visibility for each participant within the ecosystem. Community members, who come from all over the world, with a wide range of expertise and life experiences, can now interact with each other on chain, exchanging ideas, data and assets in an efficient and secure manner.

In a 2021 interview with Digital Assets Daily, XDC Network co-founder Ritesh Kakkad described XDC community members as not simply token holders, but people who feel a real sense of network ownership.

XDC Foundation, a not-for-profit entity created for the express purpose of supporting the XDC Network, has taken this idea of community empowerment and run with it. In the past several months, the foundation has launched a host of tools that allow users to not only better utilize XDC Network tokens, but to engage in on-chain creation. XDC Foundation is dedicated to lowering the barrier to entry into not only utilizing, storing and sending tokens — but to building on the XDC Network.

To ensure that a wide range of users and developers can operate on the network, XDC Foundation continues to develop tools to make the process of engaging with blockchain technology more user-friendly. Origin allows for quick and easy deployment of tokens, and will soon support NFT creation. The XDC Observatory is a user-friendly block explorer like no other, allowing users to create accounts, set up watchlists, and browse advanced yet easy-to-understand account statistics. XDC Concepts is a new tutorial series that simplifies even complex tasks on the XDC Network (lecture 1 and lecture 2 are already available). Right now, an XDC Pay mobile app is in development, which will make XDC Network’s flagship dapp, now available on Google Chrome, much more accessible. This new iteration will contain exciting new features.

As development continues, this is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. And since XDC transactions cost mere thousandths of a cent in gas fees, anyone with a computer and internet access will find it increasingly easier to #builditonXDC.

Amid their push to make blockchain accessible to all, XDC Foundation decided to revitalize the brand with logos and a new brand identity that reflects this goal.

Network branding is as clean and simple as the network tools brought forward by XDC Foundation — and those still in the pipeline. The DC looks like links of a chain, and in every iteration below, arrows dance around our prominent X, suggesting ease of access and forward motion. You can find all of our brand assets on the XDC Foundation website.

Part of the beauty of both the new logos and the XDC Network are their adaptability. The XDC Network hosted one of the most significant uses of blockchain technology ever — the first trade financed-based non-fungible token (NFT) transaction, and there are more trade finance developments to come. But XDC is not only a blockchain for institutional players. As an open-source technology, the XDC Network is a solution for everyday people who’d like to take advantage of the very best that blockchain has to offer, regardless of their finances or technical knowledge. The “Build It On XDC” campaign is about bringing the ability to build on blockchain to the masses.

The content above represents my own individual perspective as an XDC community member, and does not reflect the official stance of the XDC Foundation.

