Xend Finance Introduces XEND-AI For Seamless AI-Driven Investments

Ebibote Opetu
Xend Finance
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2023

Have you ever thought about the possibility of AI taking up all the available jobs so that we wouldn’t have to work anymore? While this might sound like sci-fi, recent advancements in AI development mean that we all now use AI for our daily activities, with or without our knowledge. Some people prefer using ChatGPT for their searches and DALL-E for their image generation; what about using a ‘XEND — AI’, for all investments within the Xend Finance ecosystem?

Well, part of what has always kept us awake at night since our launch is finding better ways to provide smooth and seamless investment opportunities to people who normally are restricted from accessing the global money market. With recent AI development, we believe it’s the right time to simplify and create access to complex investment techniques like algorithmic trading, sentiment analysis, predictive analytics, quantitative analysis, portfolio management, and risk management.

The integration of AI into Xend Finance products will help our users make better investment decisions and reach their financial goals easily. Another reason we also decided to pursue the integration of XEND-AI into Xend Finance products is to help our users seamlessly navigate the Real-World Assets (RWA) classes that will be supported very soon. The addition of investment options in the traditional stock market, tokenized real estate, treasury bonds, and other tokenized asset classes means that our users will require a lot of research and information about these asset classes to understand them and make investment decisions.

Such tasks can be daunting, especially for newbies who are not conversant with or trained in investments. However, XEND-AI will simplify this information in a digestible format that our users can understand and make informed investment decisions. XEND-AI will be our users’ live investment assistance, analyzing both old and new investment datasets peculiar to the investment asset classes supported in Xend Finance against the user’s personal profile data like the user’s risk appetite level, preferable investment asset classes, return goals, and investment duration. It will then provide unique investment opportunities that fit the Xend Finance user’s profile. This is our vision for the future of finance, and we at Xend Finance want to be at the forefront of pioneering this.

We will be sharing more information on our AI integration, XEND-AI, in the coming weeks. The whole team at Xend Finance has never been this excited; the energy is through the roof, and we hope you feel as excited as we do!

Follow Xend Finance’s social handles, Twitter @xendfinance, and Instagram @xend.finance, to get updates about this feature and other product development updates.



Ebibote Opetu
Xend Finance

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