Kompare: Simplifying Kubernetes Cluster Comparison

Abel Guzman Sanchez
Xendit Engineering
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2024

Kompare stands as Go CLI tool designed to streamline the process of comparing two Kubernetes clusters. In the realm of DevOps and software development, where precision and efficiency are paramount, having a tool that correctly assesses cluster disparities is invaluable. Here's why Kompare could be the missing piece in your toolkit.

Kompare: Simplifying Kubernetes Cluster Comparison

In corporate or enterprise environments, the need for clusters with similar or equivalent workloads is commonplace. Various scenarios may necessitate this requirement, such as ensuring that two clusters contain identical content within a namespace, or maintaining entire clusters as replicas with differing Kubernetes versions and many more similar scenarios. Kompare addresses these and similar use cases by providing a solution tailored to the complexities of comparing Kubernetes environments.

In enterprise clusters, maintaining parity and alignment between Kubernetes environments is critical for operational consistency and reliability. However, existing comparison tools frequently lack the capability to accommodate the nuanced criteria essential for thorough cluster evaluation. This is where Kompare excels, offering unparalleled flexibility and precision in assessing and comparing Kubernetes clusters.

Unprecedented Flexibility

Unlike conventional comparison tools, Kompare offers unparalleled flexibility in defining comparison criteria. With Kompare, users can specify intricate criteria such as ignoring non-essential attributes like UID and dates, or filtering specific Kubernetes object types based on custom conditions. This level of granularity empowers users to tailor comparisons to their precise requirements, ensuring accurate assessments every time.

Seamless Integration

Kompare seamlessly integrates with your existing Kubernetes environment, leveraging kubeconfig to establish connections with source and target clusters. This enables effortless comparisons across clusters, whether for production upgrades, environment synchronization, or parallel deployments.

Usecases for Kompare

Kompare caters to a myriad of use cases in the DevOps landscape, including:

  1. Production Environment Validation: Before deploying changes to production, comparing the existing production cluster with a staging or development cluster ensures consistency and minimizes the risk of unintended discrepancies.
  2. Cluster Migration and Redundancy: When migrating workloads between clusters or setting up redundant environments, Kompare facilitates thorough validation to guarantee seamless transitions and operational continuity.
  3. Configuration Standardization: In large-scale deployments with multiple clusters, enforcing configuration standards becomes challenging. Kompare aids in identifying configuration deviations across clusters, fostering standardization and best practices adherence.
  4. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Integration with CI/CD pipelines allows automated cluster comparisons as part of the deployment workflow, promoting continuous improvement and quality assurance.

Getting Started with Kompare

The repo of the Kompare project is here. You can build the binary with something like:

$ git clone https://github.com/xendit/kompare.git
$ cd kompare
$ go build -o kompare .

Then you can invoque all commands with `./kompare <come-argimetns>`

You could also directly run go commands if you have golang installed. Utilizing Kompare is straightforward with both build and `go run`direcly. Simply execute the CLI with the desired options to initiate a comparison:

$ ./kompare -t target-cluster-context -v -n namespace -e excluded-object-types


  • -t: Specifies the target cluster context (mandatory).
  • -v: Enables verbose mode, providing detailed differences.
  • -n: Specifies the namespace for comparison (optional, defaults to 'default').
  • -e: Specifies excluded Kubernetes object types (optional).

For additional guidance, the built-in help (-h) offers comprehensive usage instructions and command-line options.

Specific usecases & commands

Compare current context cluster and target -t cluster and tell me if there are diffs and what they are:

$ ./kompare -t some-test-context 

Compare two namespaces of current context as source and another cluster:

$ ./kompare -t some-test-context -n test-namespace

It will use what ever yout current context and the `-t` target context `some-test-contex` t is and compare all objects in the namespace -n`called `test-namespace`.

Lets add some verbosity to it

$ ./kompare -t some-test-context -n test-namespace -vv

Will do the same comparison and will show the full diff of anything it found to be different.

like that you could do many more comparisons, use the `-h` option for some help.

Join the Kompare Community

Kompare is an open-source project, welcoming contributions, feedback, and collaboration from the community. Whether it's enhancing test coverage, refining visualizations, or addressing issues, your involvement drives Kompare's evolution.

Roadmap’s current ongoing efforts

The development roadmap for Kompare includes:

  1. Expansion of test coverage for robustness.
  2. Enhancement of visualization for improved clarity.
  3. Refinement of verbose mode to enhance diff visualization.
  4. Addressing reported issues and bug fixes.

Join us in shaping the future of Kubernetes cluster comparison with Kompare and impact defining the future roadmap of this tool!

In conclusion, Kompare is a versatile solution tailored to the complexities of Kubernetes cluster comparison. With its flexibility, ease of use, and community-driven ethos, Kompare empowers DevOps engineers and developers to confidently navigate the intricacies of kubernetes clusters resources & workload comparison!

