Update: New website and redeeming staked tokens and XFIT rewards

Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2022

Hello XForce!

As we enter February, we want to thank you for your continued patience and support — over the past few weeks, Legacy Farmers have been eagerly waiting to be able to redeem their staked tokens and XFIT rewards — and we’re pleased to announce that the wait is now over!

Today, 2 February 2022, we launched our new website on which Legacy Farmers can unstake their LP and redeem their XFIT rewards. Here’s a summary of everything you need to know as a Legacy Famer to unstake your LP and redeem your XFIT rewards.

A Legacy Farmer is anyone who has staked their tokens in the farm on the XFAI website. We want to first make clear that Legacy Farmers have a 7 day redemption period in which they can redeem their XFIT rewards — these must be redeemed by 10PM CET on 9 February 2022 when the XFIT Staking page will go live. You will be able to redeem your LP indefinitely, however, no XFIT rewards can be claimed after this time.

Here are a few easy steps to follow:

  1. Visit https://www.xfai.com/home/legacy-farming and connect your wallet.

2. You will be given an option to redeem your XFIT tokens. Click yes, and when prompted, sign the transaction and approve the transaction fee.

3. Once this transaction has been successfully confirmed, you will then be with an option to redeem your LP tokens. Click yes, and when prompted, sign the transaction and approve the transaction fee.

Your XFIT tokens will now be in your wallet and you will now be able to redeem your LP tokens on Uniswap.

For USDT LP visit:


For USDC LP visit:


Select the amount of liquidity you would like to remove, click approve, and when prompted, sign the transaction and approve the transaction fee. You will then be able to remove your liquidity from the pool.

Now it’s a short wait for the XFIT Staking page to go live on 9 February 2022, to stake your tokens and get your Liquid NFT!

Remember, XFIT Staking is single-sided, and unlike Farming does not require you to stake USDT/USDC alongside your XFIT — it is just for your XFIT tokens. This means that those Legacy Farmers who wished to go “ALL IN” would now do so by swapping their redeemed USDT/USDC for XFIT on Uniswap, if they so desire.

This is another step closer to the release of our revolutionary DEX in Q1 this year — and we can’t wait to see the XForce grow in number. Thank you for being the pioneers and supporting us towards this monumental event. Until our next update, you can check out our new branding on our updated website and have a look at some of the services to come!

Visit https://www.xfai.com/ and see it in all its glory!

About XFai

XFai develops tooling for the DeFi space, graphing it to build game-changing products. The XFai DEX is set to invite mid and small-cap tokens to start earning APY on their token holdings. We are aiming to become industry-first in providing a more efficient, transparent, and fair way for everyone to get involved at an early stage. The LGE for XFai’s native token, XFIT, was launched on 16th April 2021. We invite everyone to join the DeFi revolution, spearheaded by XFai.

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XFai develops tooling for the DeFi space – we graph the DeFi space to build game-changing products. Starting with the DLO: the DEX Liquidity Oracle