Weekly Update #9

Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2021

Happy Thursday X-Force! December is starting well for us. From November 9th to December 9th (at the time of writing), we have seen more than a 7X increase in price. This is eXtraordinary and we are now eXcited to see the X-Force community slowly beginning to understand and see what we are building: the neXt generation DEX that has zero slippage.

We promise to continue to make progress and be transparent with it because without the X-Force community, XFai would not have made this far.

This week we are focusing on the following:

I. Product

A. Front End Design

We are making excellent progress with the design and UI/UX of this.

II. Development Update

A. Liquid NFT

We have briefly mentioned this in our AMAs about utilizing a new type of NFT as part of our new features. The Liquid NFT part of the contract is done. We will have a detailed article about the new Liquid NFT token model this weekend. So please stay tuned!

B. Staking Contract

The staking part for XFIT holders and for farmers has also been completed.. We are now focusing on polishing the contract a bit (i.e. to make it more gas efficient wherever possible), as well as on security and unit testing. Once these final steps are done, we will send the contract over to auditors.


Smart contract security is the most important element for any DeFi project. We are being as security aware as possible. This means that we will have multiple audits for each phase we accomplish. This includes the new staking and also for the upcoming DEX. We are in touch and continuously communicating with different reputable auditors. We are being selective and reviewing their audit histories by comparing them with the projects they were involved in. In this case, quality must be over quantity.

III. Roadmap Update

The roadmap update in this article is to inform you what we will focus on.

  • December: For December, we are mainly focusing on completing the staking of XFIT. From the new main page, UI/UX and XFIT staking, we will focus on completing this properly.
  • 2022 January: We are aiming to finish everything code-wise by the end of January.

We are humbled by your support and glad we can give updates that can make your holiday better and more eXciting.

About XFai

XFai develops tooling for the DeFi space, graphing it to build game-changing products. The XFai DEX is set to invite mid and small-cap tokens to start earning APY on their token holdings. We are aiming to become industry-first in providing a more efficient, transparent, and fair way for everyone to get involved at an early stage. The LGE for XFai’s native token, XFIT, was launched on 16th April 2021. We invite everyone to join the DeFi revolution, spearheaded by XFai.

Reach XFai

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XFai develops tooling for the DeFi space – we graph the DeFi space to build game-changing products. Starting with the DLO: the DEX Liquidity Oracle