XFAI x 1inch — a landmark integration ensuring unparalleled capital efficiency

Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2023

Hello XForce!

Today marks an extraordinary milestone that is set to redefine the DeFi landscape — we’re thrilled to announce the integration of XFAI DEX with 1inch, the leading aggregator in DeFi. With over 286 billion in total volume traded through their protocol, 1inch has established itself as a central hub for traders seeking capital-efficient routes for swaps. It is only natural that an integration with XFAI’s DEX, the epitome of capital efficiency, would be a perfect match for both platforms.

Why is this significant?

1inch has already established themselves at the forefront of the DeFi landscape, being a central hub for traders to use to get the most efficient trades; and the volume that they have seen pass through their protocol is a testament to this. We are incredibly proud to be working alongside such an esteemed name. With the first aggregator integration of XFAI being completed with the leading aggregator in the space, XFAI is setting the precedent to become the leading DEX and laying the framework for the future to become integrated with all other major aggregators in the space.

What does this mean for XFAI?

Now that XFAI is officially supported on 1inch, trades on 1inch for tokens that are available on XFAI will start to be routed through our DEX, driving volume through XFAI and bringing even greater returns for Liquidity Providers and Infinity Stakers. With the current liquidity levels on XFAI, traders on 1inch can already get better swaps for tokens than on Uniswap, which will continue to improve as liquidity on XFAI increases. As liquidity grows on XFAI, trades will become even more efficient and XFAI will become established as the default route for swaps in DeFi through aggregators due to the deep liquidity and viability of swaps that is made possible through our revolutionary design

(A demonstration of the more performant swap rates available via 1inch (Left) through integration with XFAI compared to the same trade being performed on Uniswap (Right).

Not only does this integration ensure that XFAI is set to become the home for trades in DeFi, by extension it also gives even more incentives for large Liquidity Providers to come to XFAI and make our DEX the home for their liquidity, knowing that volume captured through our integration with 1inch will see their returns maximized further.

What’s on the horizon?

With our audit by our esteemed partners, Halborn, nearing completion in the coming weeks, and our integration into 1inch, XFAI is making tremendous progress toward revolutionizing the DEX landscape and becoming the premier exchange in Web3. Our next goal is to forge partnerships with more aggregators and collaborate with major liquidity providers, setting the stage for XFAI to capture the majority of the volume in DeFi and attract significant liquidity, solidifying our position at the forefront of the DeFi landscape.

The XFAI journey is well underway, and we are bubbling with excitement for the incredible things yet to come. As always, XForce, we are grateful for your unwavering support, and we take immense pride in celebrating this momentous integration into 1inch with you!

Thank you for joining us on this epic quest to redefine DeFi forever!




XFai develops tooling for the DeFi space – we graph the DeFi space to build game-changing products. Starting with the DLO: the DEX Liquidity Oracle