XFAI x StakeStone — Securing supreme stipends for $STONE suppliers

Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2023

TLDR: XFAI partners with StakeStone — a premier decentralized omni-chain liquid staking protocol building on Linea, which allows users to earn yield on their ETH. StakeStone is building an ecosystem of products and utilities around $STONE, enabling holders to leverage their tokens as collateral to mint stablecoins and borrow assets on lending platforms, as well as opening up liquidity opportunities in the derivatives marketplace, all whilst generating yield on their ETH.

XFAI’s partnership with StakeStone enables new routes for traders to acquire $STONE, gives LPs better earning opportunities by providing liquidity to XFAI whereby they would incur zero IL and better trading fee dividends, as well as opening the doors for $STONE LPs on XFAI to leverage their liquidity tokens for collateral.

StakeStone — Scalable Yield With Endless Possibilities

StakeStone have already grown their presence across numerous chains including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base and Mantle, and look poised to cement themselves as one of the premier liquid staking protocols on Linea. StakeStone have integrated a portfolio of blue chip assets to generate higher yields for stakers, $STONE holders and protocols, all under one roof.

With a vast ecosystem of utilities being shaped around $STONE, users are able to utilize StakeStone to earn yield on their ETH, and then put it to work to gain numerous benefits across other major DeFi protocols.

XFAI x StakeStone

With StakeStone looking to dominate their niche on Linea, making it possible for traders to access $STONE on the most efficient and performant DEX on Linea was an easy decision to make. Naturally, XFAI is an ideal hub for potential $STONE traders to transact and for LPs to deposit their liquidity, owing to the benefits of XFAI’s unique design.

To this end, StakeStone have partnered as a liquidity provider to XFAI to seed an initial $STONE pool, and to devise and carry out a joined marketing strategy to further incentivise liquidity provisioning of $STONE, in an initiative that will leverage the traction of the ongoing Linea DeFi campaign to raise adoption and awareness of both protocols.

StakeStone recognised XFAI’s unique design as having major benefits and synergies for their token — in brief summary, when liquidity is supplied to XFAI, LPs commit the primary token that they want to supply (in this instance, $STONE), + an equal value of ETH to be used as the balancing weight. The primary token liquidity ($STONE) is then concentrated into its own deep pool, resulting in more efficient swaps with minimal slippage, creating the best trading environment and most performant swaps for traders.

This has several unique benefits for LPs too — unlike other exchanges where traders would earn fees on the specific pairing they have providers, LPs on XFAI earn swap fees whenever their primary token ($STONE) is traded with, meaning more fees per volume capita for $STONE providers. As well as this, XFAI’s ETH weighted model creates a perfect synergy for liquidity providers of ETH derivative tokens such as $STONE, as the ETH weight counterpart for their liquidity means that $STONE LPs would incur *zero* impermanent loss whilst providing tokens to XFAI, meaning that they can sit back and reap the rewards without having to worry and micromanage their provided assets.

In addition to enabling $STONE to be traded through XFAI’s exchange, XFAI and StakeStone are exploring ways in which XFAI $STONE LP tokens can be used as collateral to obtain liquidity on Linea through XFAI’s current and future lending partners, whereby collateral provided would be an ideal choice for lenders as they are receiving a high value yield bearing asset in return for supplying loans. This creates more utility for $STONE, enhancing the vision of StakeStone to create an ecosystem of utility around their token, furthered by the power of XFAI.

XFAI Positioning As The Ideal Exchange For Projects

This partnership with StakeStone sets a precedent for projects to bring their liquidity to XFAI, leveraging XFAI unique design, deep liquidity pools, and low gas costs to achieve the most desirable swap results for their token traders and opening up the doorways for new prospective holders to acquire tokens on Linea’s most performant exchange. The result of our partnership with StakeStone will bring more fees to XFAI and give more utility to XFAI LPs, as well as acting as a model for replication with other projects to bring their tokens to XFAI.

You can now start trading and providing liquidity of $STONE on XFAI and reap the benefits of Linea’s next generation exchange, as well as earning yield on your newly acquired $STONE tokens. As always, the DeFi revolution marches on! Viva La XFAI.

About StakeStone

StakeStone is an omnichain LST liquidity distribution network. StakeStone is dedicated to building a new liquidity asset called STONE, which offers higher capital efficiency and cross-chain compatibility. By integrating a portfolio of blue-chip assets, STONE provides optimized staking yields for both stakers and protocols in a one-stop shop.

Moreover, STONE’s cross-chain interoperability makes it an ideal underlying asset for protocols across multiple chains, and the growing use cases for STONE on various chains offer STONE users an additional layer of yield. Leveraging STONE as a new liquidity asset and the omnichain distribution system, StakeStone is paving the way for the liquidity distribution infrastructure of the next generation.

Join StakeStone’s community on Telegram and Discord, and follow on Twitter for the latest STONE news.

About XFAI

XFAI is a new breed of Decentralized Exchange with a new double weighted constant market maker design, enabling better swaps for all tokens & better returns for stakers & LPs. XFAI solves the problem of fragmented liquidity, with singular token pools for assets, meaning concentrated liquidity, thanks to unique architecture which enables every token to be immediately swappable with every other token in a single hop swap, with minimal slippage and better price discovery for long tail tokens.

To stay up to date with the latest on everything XFAI, follow us on X/Twitter and keep an eye on our Telegram Announcements Channel for the most recent updates. You can join our Community in leading the DeFi revolution on Linea.




XFai develops tooling for the DeFi space – we graph the DeFi space to build game-changing products. Starting with the DLO: the DEX Liquidity Oracle