A fresh new look — introducing the NEW Xfers Dashboard

New dashboard experience & new features

Darren Fong
4 min readAug 28, 2020


This article can now be found on: https://www.xfers.com/sg-blog/a-fresh-new-look-introducing-the-new-xfers-dashboard

Over the past few months, we’ve been laser-focused on adapting to the pandemic situation and re-evaluating our product offerings. While the circumstances were unfortunate, our mission to accelerate financial access within Southeast Asia remains — this would not have been possible without first building the best product possible for our users.

We’ve gathered feedback throughout 2019/2020 and have performed iterations on our products. Through the feedback gathered, we’ve released a new product — Xfers Direct — in May 2020 to enable quick bank transfers for businesses.

In parallel, we have been working on revamping our dashboard to resolve several user pain-points. Whether you are sending money or accepting payments — we want to ensure that you can navigate through our dashboard seamlessly.

Today, we are excited to finally unveil the all-new Xfers dashboard in both Singapore and Indonesia! You can experience our new dashboard by logging in through the following new login URLs:

  • Singapore Personal Xfers account: app.xfers.com
  • Singapore Business Xfers account: biz.xfers.com (login to this if you’re a merchant in Singapore)
  • Indonesia Business Xfers account: id-biz.xfers.com (login to this if you’re a merchant in Indonesia)

Please take note that the old dashboard will no longer be available from 31st August 2020. Accessing through the old URL will redirect you to the new page.

So what has changed?

We’ve made several changes to the dashboard. You can expect a more consistent user-interface upon logging in!

1. Revamped UI for better navigation

Screenshot of the landing page

We’ve made it easier for you to navigate around the dashboard. With the new dashboard, you will be able to:

  1. See a summary of your holdings and transactions on the landing page
  2. Get clearer call-to-actions to guide you on the different transaction flows
  3. View tool-tips throughout the dashboard to know more about the different user types, wallets, and user-limits

2. Streamlined Onboarding Experience

The onboarding process via our new dashboard

We’ve streamlined our onboarding experience, by making the process clear and simple to follow. Some of the new features include:

  1. Progress bar to visually indicate steps remaining
  2. Ability to continue where you left off in the verification process
  3. Helpful tips to address common user concerns

3. Developer Tools — right on the dashboard!

We understand the importance of seamless integration via our APIs and that our customers want to start accepting payments in the shortest amount of time possible. Thus, we have made overhauls to our API documentation and added helpful developer features right on the dashboard!

To guide developers on seamless integration, developers will be able to do the following on the new dashboard:

  1. Access to developer documentation and help guide
  2. Manage callback settings and getting access to API keys
  3. Roll key, i.e. generate a new key with enhanced security via SMS OTP

Our NEW developer documentation page can also be found at the following:

New products! (XSGD deposits & Xfers Dash)

We’ve also designed our dashboard to cater to our upcoming new products!

1. Deposit the XSGD digital asset to your whitelisted blockchain addresses

Whitelisting blockchain address process on the Xfers Dashboard

With the upcoming public launch of XSGD, we have enabled the whitelisting of your blockchain addresses. Once withdrawals of XSGD from our listed partners are ready, you will be able to deposit XSGD digital assets to your own whitelisted blockchain address.

2. Xfers Dash — Send money directly through our dashboard

Quick and easy transfers via Xfers Dash

Xfers Dash will allow merchants to send funds with zero-development effort to: suppliers, vendors, employees, and any bank accounts. Xfers Dash is currently only available in Indonesia. (Singapore release to come soon!)

We have a lot to talk about regarding these product releases, more information on XSGD and Xfers Dash will be available in separate blog posts soon — stay tuned!

What’s next?

Development on the dashboard will be ongoing to bring you even better experiences. Do expect to see improvements and new features as we progress further.

Should you encounter any issues or have any questions, please visit our FAQ here. If you have any feedback regarding the dashboard, you can send it to us here.

Special thanks to the dashboard team for making all these possible!

‘Till next time
Darren Fong



Darren Fong
Editor for

Product Manager, Xfers. Providing financial access to all.