11 Things You Should Know About Automated Document Generation in Salesforce

Krishnanjali KU
Published in
6 min readJul 28, 2023
Automated document generation in Salesforce

So far there was never a perfect document, but document automation proved all wrong.

After a cheerful morning, you come to your office all positive and ready to conquer the day. You open your mail and it is overflowing with emails asking you to draft several documents for the deals closed, new business proposals, quotations, updating business licenses, and so on. Is your cheerful spirit still on? Or are you going to sulk for the whole day even before you start it?

Being in the Salesforce ecosystem, you can now even automate your document generation in a go. Implementing document generation into your Salesforce org is the only solution you are lagging behind to shoot up your productive day and wipe off that sulky face. By using Salesforce data, you might think how will an automatic document generation application is going to fetch scattered data correctly from several Salesforce objects. This article is going to help you vanish up all your doubts and give you an expert idea of how you can better your productivity.

In this blog, you will get to know some features of how you can perfect your document creation and what other next-gen capabilities the application has apart from its core duty of document automation.

  • End to End Automation

As mentioned before, your document will be automated from scratch. Fetching your data from several Salesforce objects, you do need to worry about the time you would have wasted on searching them. This will literally reduce human error to net zero and a crisp sharp and error-free document in a single click.

End to End Automation in Salesforce
  • Time-Saving

As mentioned earlier, you will save a huge amount of time when you are automating your documents. Since everything is automated, your only job is to single-click and get your document generated. A lot of time is present on fetching data and drafting the document. An even bigger headache is when you have to proofread them. All this extra time is saved with document automation.

time saving
  • Template Versioning

With several users working on the same document, there is a high chance that the document can lose its authenticity and also be prone to unattended changes. Tracking the revisions is very difficult and hence the chaos will only be maximized. But most of the third-party document automation application on AppExchange provides you with accurate details and time regarding what time and who tweaked the document.

Template versioning
  • e-Sign Attachment

When it comes to business documents, we know how important it is to get them attested by the concerned person. But when you are automating the documents, how would to accelerate each time to get a signature? Need not worry because document automation applications do support the feature of e-sign where your signature can be digitally imprinted once the document has to be moved to the next process.

  • Multiple Document Type Support

It is not just one type of document that you will require for your Salesforce business needs. Each document serves a different purpose and the required formats are to be followed. If you are thinking that document generation is just an automation application that can only deliver a single type of document, you are wrong big time. Any forms of documents such as PDF, Word, Excel, and PPT are supported by it.

Multiple doc type support
  • Customized Template Creation

Document Automation provides the necessary templates that serve each purpose. You can either customize a template or import your existing template and you can continue with your undisrupted document automation. It paves the way for more uniformity and no further confusion.

  • Template Access Control

You are the owner of the document and templates that you generated. It will be under your control and you can supervise the actions such as view and access on the same. Hence by doing so, you will be sure of who is making the changes and what are those paving way for good coordination and collaboration.

  • Strong Compliance and Data Security

By implementing automation for document creation in Salesforce, you will witness a significant improvement in data compliance. This streamlined workflow ensures that only authorized personnel can access their documents through Salesforce and merge Salesforce or third-party data into them. With the enforcement of specific rules, this smart and consistent process allows for better adherence to compliance standards. Also since the process takes place 100% natively within Salesforce, that also ensures security and compliance adherence.

  • Error-free Documents

There is never an end to styling out the mistakes that happen in your document. While manually drafting documents, you cannot escape from these schoolboy errors. With relevant data for your business or the person you are wanting to send.

  • Brand Consistency

By utilizing a document automation application accessible to all teams, you can strengthen your marketing execution by ensuring the consistency it requires. This workflow enables better awareness of word choices, branded colors, logos, fonts, and other elements, ultimately contributing to a more cohesive and recognizable brand identity. Strong brand consistency can significantly enhance your recognition and solidify your brand’s identity in the market.

XfilesPro DocuPrime: The Application That Has All the Above Features

XfilesPro DocuPrime offers a wide range of ready-to-use templates tailored to meet the specific needs of any customer or industry. With XfilesPro DocuPrime, you can one-click document generation, automatically fetches data from objects, and expect improved efficiency and zero errors, leading to enhanced productivity and time-saving benefits. The platform also allows for custom note additions and supports multiple document types, among other promising features.

XfilesPro DocuPrime presents a vibrant solution for those tired of manually creating documents. With this automated Salesforce document generation expert, you can expect a significant boost in productivity and soar to new heights. We have provided compelling reasons for you to choose us, and now it’s your turn to make the decision. Additionally, feel free to schedule a free demo with our product experts for a better understanding of our offering.

