Top 6 Best Practices to Manage Your Salesforce Files

Deeshna C
4 min readJun 22, 2023


As your business scales further steps each day, the growth of files within your Salesforce is so real as day follows night. But, the dark side of this is that with the files mounting up, your Org will suffer from exceeded storage limits, overloaded burdens, and disrupted operations.

Does this sound so familiar to you?

If you have experienced the consequences of an unorganized file management experience, you must be knowing how terrible it’s. To never experience such an ordeal, you need to know the best practices for Salesforce file management.

To help you in this regard, we will discuss some of the most effective ways to better manage your Salesforce files within the Org.

Without further ado, let’s start!

#1. Organize Files Properly in Folders

The growth of files within your Salesforce org is uncontrollable. So, it’s crucial to establish a proper folder structure for your files in order to maintain an efficient workflow. By categorizing and arranging your files into folders and subfolders that make sense to your business, you create a streamlined environment that simplifies navigation and ensures easy access to your files. To achieve a smart folder structure, embrace Salesforce’s native folder capabilities or embrace a 3rd-party app that makes the process a cakewalk.

Organizing files in Salesforce

#2. Name Your Files Accurately

Imagine having a treasure trove of files but needing help finding the right one when you need it. File names and tags come to the rescue here. Follow a consistent method of naming or tagging files within Salesforce with relevant information not only for an organized file management experience; naming or tagging the files will empower you to search, sort, and filter files effortlessly, saving your productive hours.

#3. Automate Your File Syncing

Keeping your files synchronized across various systems and devices can be daunting. And you know that manual syncing is time-consuming and prone to errors. So, enter automation! Implement automated file syncing tools that effortlessly sync your Salesforce records with respective folders in your external storage. This ensures consistency and accessibility, saving you time and eliminating the risk of outdated or conflicting file versions.

#4. Strengthen Security Measures

Like data, Salesforce files also carry valuable information. So, its security should always be a top priority. Protecting your Salesforce files from unauthorized access, manipulation, or loss is of paramount importance. Implement robust security measures such as record access controls and encryption that ensure the complete security of your files, securing the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of the files for authorized users.

#5. Embrace Collaboration and Version Control

Efficient collaboration is the cornerstone of successful file management. Salesforce’s collaborative options, such as Chatter and file sharing, enable seamless teamwork and real-time communication. However, it’s essential to keep track of file versions and changes to maintain data integrity. Leverage Salesforce’s version control capabilities or hire a 3rd-party to monitor file modifications, track revisions, and maintain a clear audit trail.

#6. Move Your Salesforce Files to an External Platform

As your Salesforce files multiply, so does the demand for file storage space. Archiving files not only frees up storage space but also ensures that your active file library remains relevant and efficient. So, rather than constantly worrying about storage limitations, consider integrating external storage platforms with Salesforce to migrate your growing files so that you can keep your storage space freed up.

Enough said! Now that you understood the best file management practices in Salesforce, you must have pondered different solutions to achieve some of these above practices. What about having all these capabilities in a single solution? That’s what XfilesPro does for you.

To contribute to your enhanced file management experience in Salesforce, this next-gen application moves your Salesforce files out of the production org and stores them in your preferred external 3rd-party clouds (SharePoint, AWS S3, Google Drive, and OneDrive) or On-premise platforms (SMB, SFTP, Network Drive). For this, XfilesPro seamlessly integrates with your external platforms without the need for an additional connector and helps you secure a seamless file management experience.

Enhanced Salesforce file management with XfilesPro

And, with XfilesPro, you can achieve desired folder structure in your external system, name or tag your files (tagging is relevant for those who adopt SharePoint as their external storage platform), sync the folders of external platforms with respective Salesforce records, enhance file collaboration by nurturing a centralized file system, and track the versions of your files. Above all, XfilesPro gives you the privilege to be the ultimate owner of your files; which means you control who can access your files.

In a nutshell, XfilesPro is the file management solution you’re looking for.

So, why can’t give a shot to this no.1 AppExchange app for your file management needs in Salesforce?

To learn more, schedule a demo with one of XfilesPro’s product experts!



Deeshna C

Content Marketer | Salesforce Ohana | Trailblazer