The XFN ‘Learning Curriculum’

Amanda Bloom
XFN Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2019

When we designed XFN, we included half day monthly learning sessions as part of the support we offer participants. The main purpose being, to gather monthly as a cohort and discuss/share/learn content that helps ‘on the job’. What I didn’t realize, was that when we started these sessions we began building a ‘learning curriculum’ for the program.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Starting Principles

We knew we wanted the XFNers to have a say in the content we delivered and agreed from day one that they would always be able to provide input to our planned sessions on a month-to-month basis, as their needs may change as they move through the program.

We also knew we wanted these interactions to build on what we started teaching/talking about at onboarding (want to know more, click here).

What Happened

Our first session was great and felt like it came quick. The content was delivered by the fabulous Pierre Lecours and Marie-Claude Leclerc. Participants dug deeper into how to bring the theory of developmental mindset (edge, home, groove) into their assignments and were taught self-reflection techniques.

At the end of the session we did a check-in with the XFNers to see how they were feeling and to gather feedback. What we heard was that they wanted more opportunities to learn from each-other.

To respond to this need, Pierre and I met with two XFNers to discuss how we could integrate peer learning sessions into our monthly gatherings. What we came up with was a set of ‘parameters’ to get the ball rolling:

We were lucky to get some willing volunteers to test these ‘parameters’ during our second learning session:

Salman D discussed introspection, what it means to be human; while our second presenter brought to life theories about feminist policymaking such as, Marxism, relativism, existentialism, etc. Keren Gottfried and Marianne Poirier also designed and led a brainstorming session that teased out what they would like to learn from each-other, as well as their thoughts on the first prototype for peer learning.

Where We are Now

Our learning from session #2 allowed us to create the flow/state we are in now. Our current format for monthly learning sessions is as follows:

  • XFNers can put forward a topic anytime to deliver to their peers, requesting the amount of time they need to present;
  • peer presentations are not mandatory and do not need to be done every month;
  • when there are no peer presentations or not enough, the program develops/delivers learning content;
  • if needed, peer presentations will be postponed due to necessary program learning content.

So far, this is working pretty well.

Our third monthly session featured our host managers, who came for half the session to learn about how to give, receive and ask for feedback from the incredible Helen Daniels. Pierre then led the group in a discussion to help the XFNers think about how they can find their groove (repeated practice) for their learning edge.

Our fourth session was a fun mix of peer learning and program delivered content. Keren Gottfried delivered a stimulating presentation about evaluation and integrating it into the whole policy cycle, which inspired a lot of discussion. Pierre finished the delivery of the art practicing that he started in the third session, including an overview of the behaviour patterns that happen when you are in practicing/learning mode.

Up Next

What we have discovered to date is that these sessions build on one another. This means, that future cohorts should ‘start at the beginning’. When we welcome a second cohort into the program we will keep monthly learning sessions separate for the two cohorts (unless appropriate). This isn’t to say the two cohorts won’t interact, they definitely will, but the journey/needs of participants are different at different stages of the program.

In terms of the content we will be diving into next, we are still deciding. I feel we have done our due diligence with the developmental mindset theory/practice for now and would like to turn to some relevant topics that won’t be covered by peer learning sessions. I have a few ideas ruminating, but you will have to stay tuned into our journey to see how our ‘learning curriculum’ continues to build.

Interested in accessing some of our learning content? E-mail me at



Amanda Bloom
XFN Blog

#GCAgent in the Government of Canada. Program and Talent Manager for XFN. Dare to be different.