Introducing xFolio — much more than yet another cryptocurrency portfolio tracker

Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2019

Dear all, it is our pleasure to present xFolio — a brand-new multifunctional portfolio tracker. Xfolio will automate the tedious process of keeping track of your crypto assets, regardless of where they are stored.

What, another portfolio tool? But I already know dozens of such apps. Why would I need this one?

This is a great question. Let us explain you the reasons that moved us to build a new portfolio tracking app. The seeming abundance of similar tools is illusory: out of the 25 or so similar apps that we know of only 5 or 6 are showing any vital signs in terms of updates and user support. And even active apps have many issues and features that we as users simply aren’t happy with.

So what makes xFolio stand out?

- Complete automation
The app tracks and updates your portfolio data all by itself: it reads your asset balances from the blockchain addresses and exchange accounts that you feed into it. You don’t need to enter your transactions manually whenever something changes! It’s that simple: the whole setup process takes very little time, and once you set it up, your portfolio will not need any manual updating.

- Clear & reliable data
The realm of crypto is ruled by chaos and confusion. Different exchanges have different rates — and often even different tickers for the same coin. For instance, Stellar is identified as STR on Poloniex and as XLM on Bitfinex. What’s more, the Ethereum platform does not require that all tickers be unique, so there is no guarantee that a token you keep in your wallet under a certain name and a token with the same symbol on are one and the same. Xfolio puts things in order and takes account of many other small issues. As a result, your portfolio is displayed as precisely as possible.

We don’t try to include as many potentially useless features and abstract graphs as possible. Instead, we aim to make working with data as convenient and efficient as possible by means of smart automation. Ease of use, healthy minimalism and reliability are the key advantages of xFolio — and it’s these qualities that make it different from other, far more complex (and occasionally monstrous) trackers.

What’s next?

We already have a team of 6 working on xFolio, and we are growing and developing rapidly. We’ve already finished a web version, and an iOS app will be released very soon. The current version supports imports of balances and transactions from two blockchains (Bitcoin and Ethereum plus Ethereum-based tokens) and 8 exchanges (Binance, Bitfinex, Bitmex, Bittrex, HitBTC, Kraken, KuCoin, Poloniex). You can add up to 15 cold wallet and 15 exchanges for free. We also plan to introduce unique algorithms for tracking assets and calculating the current market price of the cryptocurrencies in your portfolio (we will devote more attention to this topic in our next article).

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and details here in our blog — and don’t forget to check out our app and Telegram channel here:

