Gifts Search Trends in Singapore: A Local Market Insight Guide

For education purposes : A snapshot to support SMEs and curious individuals who are keen on exploring trends

Eric Lee
4 min readMay 11, 2024


If you are keen on understanding how climate influences the search trends for gifts in Singapore — whether it’s about products, sales peaks, or marketing strategies — this provides a quick overview of the trends for these keywords.

Trend Outlook

Google Trend

Based on our hypothesis that search peaks start to spike in October, primarily due to Christmas gift searches for December, here’s an adapted insight that aligns with this observation:

Marketing Insight: data suggests a noticeable increase in search volume for gifts beginning in October, likely in anticipation of Christmas. This trend indicates that consumers start considering their holiday purchases well in advance, possibly to avoid the last-minute rush, capitalize on early deals, or due to the enjoyment of the holiday planning process.

Marketing Strategy Based on the Hypothesis: Given this trend, businesses should ideally begin their marketing campaigns for Christmas gifts as early as October. Starting early allows companies to:

Capture Early Shoppers: By targeting consumers as they begin their search, businesses can influence decisions before preferences are solidified with competitors’ offerings.

Maximise Exposure: Extended campaign periods allow for iterative marketing strategies, where feedback from early stages can be used to refine approaches closer to peak shopping times.

Leverage Multi-Stage Campaigns: Begin with awareness and interest generation in early October, move towards more aggressive promotions and discounts in November, and focus on last-minute gift ideas and expedited shipping options in December.


  • What role do cultural and societal changes play in shaping the search trends for gifts over the years?
  • Can we predict future trends in gift searches based on past patterns and emerging consumer trends?

Plant Gifts — the Upcoming Trend?

In conducting search research, “plant gifts” emerged as a popular search term, prompting a deeper investigation. Due to the low search volume for this term in Singapore, the focus shifted to analysing global search trends instead. The worldwide search data from 2004 to the present reveals several interesting patterns and potential hypotheses:

Google Trend

Growing Interest in Plant Gifts: The overall trend shows a growing interest in plant gifts over the years, with a notable increase in search volume starting around 2016. This could be linked to a rise in environmental awareness and the popularity of sustainable and eco-friendly gift options among consumers.

Impact of Global Events: The notable spikes in 2020 and subsequent years might be hypothesized as influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, during which many people turned to indoor gardening as a hobby during lockdowns. This renewed interest in plants could have extended to them becoming popular as gifts.

Cultural and Social Trends: The increase in searches from 2016 onwards may also suggest a broader trend in consumer preferences towards more naturalistic and health-oriented lifestyles, which could include incorporating plants into home decor.


  • How do cultural differences impact the popularity of plant gifts in various countries?
  • What specific types of plant gifts are consumers searching for?
  • How do seasonal variations affect the types of plant gifts searched for?

How events affect search trends

Occasionally, significant global events can influence search trends. When widespread events occur, such as natural disasters or global crises, there is often a noticeable impact on what people search for online, including shifts in the volume of searches for specific terms or topics.

Sympathy Gifts

The graph displaying worldwide search trends for “sympathy gifts” from 2004 to the present reveals patterns from which we can derive several hypotheses:

Google Trend

The periodic peaks in search volume for “sympathy gifts” likely reflect societal events that trigger a heightened collective need for expressions of sympathy. These spikes often correspond to times of national or global tragedies, natural disasters, or other significant events that emotionally impact a large portion of the population. Such occurrences prompt people to seek ways to offer condolences or support through gifts.


  • What alternative terms or related searches emerge during peaks of sympathy gift searches?


To further validate and enrich these hypotheses regarding gift search trends, it would be beneficial to gather additional data. We could examine the sales performance of popular gift items in retail outlets, observe the emergence of new businesses focusing on gift-related products, and monitor social media discussions about gifting preferences. Additionally, reviewing industry reports or conducting market research on the gifting sector could provide deeper insights into consumer preferences and emerging trends in the gift market.

For additional insights and trend reports, connect with us on LinkedIn or follow us on Medium.



Eric Lee
Editor for

A student of the world and also a 'smokejumper' ready for the unknown.