Pizza Search Trends in Singapore: A Local Market Insight Guide

For education purposes : A snapshot to support SMEs and curious individuals who are keen on exploring trends

Eric Lee
5 min readApr 14, 2024


Photo by Yasmin Dangor on Unsplash

If you are interested in exploring anything related to pizza in Singapore — be it a store, product, or campaign — this offers a quick insight into the search trends for the keyword ‘Ice Cream’. Below are some questions that it can help to answer, as well as raising questions for further exploration.

  • Should I start a pizza shop
  • How should I initiate a pizza-related campaign
  • How should I expand my pizza brand
  • What innovative concepts can I explore with pizza

Trend Outlook

Google Trend

The graph shows the search interest for the term “pizza” alone. It seems to have fluctuating interest with peaks and troughs, but a relatively consistent baseline of searches that doesn’t appear to decline significantly over time.

The spikes in the graph suggest there may be specific times of the year when interest in pizza is particularly high. This could be worth investigating for targeted marketing campaigns.

The Pulse

Google Trend

Seasonal and Event-Driven Interest: The search interest for “pizza” in Singapore shows clear spikes during the end-of-year festive season, which likely corresponds with holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve when people may order pizza for celebrations. Additionally, the large spike in late April to early May 2020 could be tied to a specific event or circumstance during that period. Given the year, this could potentially be related to the COVID-19 pandemic, where lockdowns or movement restrictions might have led to an increase in online searches for food delivery options, with pizza being a popular choice.

Looking at Other Pizza Brands

Google Trend

The graph shows a comparison of search interest in “Pizza Hut,” “Domino’s Pizza,” and “Canadian Pizza Singapore” from 2004 to present. In this graph, “Pizza Hut” appears to have consistently higher search interest compared to “Domino’s Pizza,” with “Canadian Pizza Singapore”, but having significantly less interest over time.

My hypothesis would be:

  • Brand Dominance: “Pizza Hut” has maintained a dominant online search interest in Singapore when compared to “Domino’s Pizza” and “Canadian Pizza Singapore.” This might reflect a stronger brand presence or preference among consumers in Singapore.
  • Consistent Interest in Pizza: The general term “pizza” has a steady level of interest, which indicates that pizza as a food item remains popular in Singapore. The periodic spikes could be associated with promotional activities, festive seasons, or events that typically encourage pizza consumption.

However, we are curious. Are there any patterns in the interest for the popular brand?

Pizza Hut’s Pulse

Google Trend

The search interest for “Pizza Hut” in Singapore spikes significantly during the late December period each year, which corresponds to the holiday season. This pattern suggests that there might be an increased demand for Pizza Hut during this time, possibly due to holiday promotions, festivities, or traditions that involve ordering pizza. The consistency of this pattern over multiple years indicates that this could be a predictable seasonal trend. Pizza Hut might be running annual holiday marketing campaigns or offering special deals that resonate with customers during the holiday season, resulting in increased online searches.

Another point to consider is whether these spikes correspond with specific events such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, or any local festivities during the indicated weeks. These events often involve gatherings and celebrations where people might be more inclined to order food for parties or family dinners.

The Niches

However, as ‘Pizza Hut’ has significantly less interest over time, we are wondering where all the interest goes? Our guesses goes to the home made, conveniences and the increasing artisanal options.

Graph which shows search interest over time for “wood-fired pizza,” “frozen pizza,” and “pizza dough” in Singapore from 2004 to the present.

My hypothesis would be as follows: -

  • Steady Interest in Pizza Making: The interest in “pizza dough” appears to be quite stable. This could suggest a consistent but niche market for individuals interested in making pizza at home, which may not be as affected by seasonal trends or events.
  • Niche or Growing Trend for Wood-Fired Pizza: The interest in “wood-fired pizza” has occasional spikes but is generally low, suggesting that it might be a more niche market or a growing trend. The spikes could be related to the opening of new pizzerias specializing in wood-fired pizza or media attention highlighting this type of pizza.
  • Increased Popularity of Convenience: The surges in interest for “frozen pizza” could be due to various factors, such as the growing demand for convenience, changes in consumer lifestyle that favor quick meal solutions, or the introduction of new frozen pizza brands or products that gain temporary attention.
  • Steady Growth for Artisanal Options: The steadier and gradual increase in interest in “wood-fired pizza” could reflect a growing consumer interest in artisanal or more traditional pizza options. This might be driven by an increased focus on quality or the dining experience associated with wood-fired pizzas.
A zoom-in view of the graph
  • Shifts in Consumer Preference: If the overall interest in pizza remains constant but “Pizza Hut” shows a decline, consumers might be diversifying their pizza choices. The spikes in interest for “frozen pizza” and “pizza dough” could indicate a shift towards alternative pizza options, whether it’s for convenience, budget, or a desire to experience different pizza styles like wood-fired pizzas.


To further refine and validate these hypotheses, one would ideally look at additional data such as supermarket sales figures, the number of wood-fired pizza restaurants opening over time, or social media trends that could influence public interest in these terms. Additionally, looking into industry reports or market analysis could provide insights into consumer behaviour and preferences related to different types of pizzas.

For additional insights and trend reports, connect with us on LinkedIn or follow us on Medium.



Eric Lee
Editor for

A student of the world and also a 'smokejumper' ready for the unknown.