HBAR Trading & Holding Competition (Up to 75% in Bonuses)

xFutures Team
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2019

The xHBAR event has sold out in 8 minutes and trading is now open. Go there clicking here.
Thank you to all those who participated. To review the terms >>> https://support.xfutures.io/hc/en-us/articles/360008926519

xHBAR Holding Competition

We are giving bonus xHBARs to those who buy and hodl until the swap.

Reward levels:

║ xHBAR Balance ║ 1 Snapshot ║ 2 Snapshots ║ 3 Snapshots ║
║ 10,000 ║ 10% ║ 15% ║ 20% ║
║ 50,000 ║ 20% ║ 22.5% ║ 25% ║
║ 100,000 ║ 25% ║ 27.5% ║ 30% ║
║ 250,000 ║ 30% ║ 32.5% ║ 35% ║
║ 500,000 ║ 35% ║ 37.5% ║ 40% ║

The rules are as follows:

  • The xHBARs MUST be swapped for HBARs for you to receive a reward
  • Snapshots are taken randomly from now until the swap time but there will be no more than 1 snapshot per day
  • If you increase your balance over the snapshots then you will receive a blended reward; you cannot decrease your balance otherwise only the last snapshot will count
  • If you do not have a balance as of the last snapshot you are ineligible for any rewards
  • Rewards will be distributed automatically to your xFutures account as xHBARs in about 2 weeks after the final snapshot

Example #1 — if all 3 snapshots show that you hold 15,000 xHBARs in your account and you also swap 15,000 xHBARs for HBARs, you will receive a bonus of 20% which equals 3,000 xHBARs.

Example #2 — if the first two snapshots show that you have 100,000 xHBARs but then the last snapshot you have zero, you will not receive any reward.

Example #3 — if the first two snapshots show that you have 100,000 xHBARs and then the last snapshot shows you have 10,000 xHBARs, you will receive 20% on 10,000 which equals 2,000 xHBARs.

The top holder of xHBARs will receive a 75% bonus.
Holders 2 through 5 will receive a 50% bonus.

The average amount held over the 3 snapshots is the number that will be used for this competition but the last snapshot must have the highest balance of all the snapshots.

You cannot receive two rewards so if you are one of the top holders you do not get both the regular holding bonus and the top holder bonus.

Trading starts September 12, 2019 at 10 PM HKT.

Happy trading!

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xFutures Team

xFutures, formed in partnership with OKEx through the OK Node Program, is a boutique exchange focusing on Future Tokens and innovative tokenized assets.