xFutures Receives ‘A+’ Transparency Rating from Nomics

xFutures Team
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2019

Dear community, we are proud to announce that after a few steps, we have successfully integrated with Nomics — a market leader when it comes to the cryptomarket clean and transparent data.

In our exchange, we do believe that not volume, but quality is the main driving force that will take this entire ecosystem into the future. Absurd trading volumes that are made up almost on its entirety of false value exchange is something extremely dangerous not only to the reputation of those places that do that but also to their customers.

At times, it’s not easy to spot/understand if an exchange is actually “doctoring” its books or not, and, our friends at Nomics are a good starting point regarding that.

For instance, if you were to check the “Top Cryptocurrency Exchanges List” on both Nomics and CoinMarketCap, you will be able to notice that the names on the top of those lists aren’t exactly the same:

As you can see, up to the 9th place on the Top Cryptocurrency Exchanges list by Trade Volume, not even one of the names overlap. Although there are PRO and CONS arguments regarding more transparency in the data side of the crypto industry, the debate is still ongoing.

At this point, we would like to firstly thank Nomics for this integration and also say how glad we are to be rated A+ by them.

Moving forward we are coming up with a lot of really cool things and “possibly” new listings that will get you really excited on everything xFutures. Stay tuned!

Thank you for your continued support! — xFutures Team

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xFutures Team

xFutures, formed in partnership with OKEx through the OK Node Program, is a boutique exchange focusing on Future Tokens and innovative tokenized assets.