An Updated List of FAQs

X Genomics
X Genomics
Published in
6 min readJun 4, 2018

We have been getting a bunch of questions, and here is a list of the most frequent ones of them with answers; hopefully it helps and if you have any further thoughts, don’t hesitate to let us know! You can leave a message here, and are more than welcome to join our Telegram channel with 30000+ members sharing the passion about blockchain and genomics, just like you!

1 What is X Genomics?

X Genomics is a project combining gene technology with blockchain technology. It will break the silos of industry information and integrate the human genome data on a blockchain by building a global genetic data hub and opening a transparent service platform for sharing human genome data. It will integrate and attract various gene technologies and scientific research institutions to participate in genetic data analysis and mining. It will maximize the value of genetic data, and provide comprehensive, customized health management and life guidance for gene donors. Meanwhile, it will develop various application scenarios for genetic data, enabling the genetic data to be widely used in human economic and social activities.

2 What is the goal of X Genomics project?

The goal of X Genomics is to establish a global-level service platform for sharing big human genetic data through using blockchain. The blockchain infrastructure will turn the isolated human genome data islands into a unified one, and will also ensure the privacy, reliability, security, legitimacy, and valuation of data sources.

3 How can blockchain technology help?

It will break the information silos of genome data so that their value can be maximized.

It will enable secure storage of the data and privacy protection.

Genome donors will take full ownership of their data, which cannot be tampered with.

It is an effective technology to integrate and encourage scientific research institutions to participate in genetic data analysis and mining.

4 How does X Genomics work?

X Genomics will integrate various gene technologies and attract scientific research institutions to participate in genetic data analysis and mining. It will maximize the value of genetic data, and provide comprehensive, customized health management and life guidance for gene donors. Meanwhile, it will develop a range of various application scenarios for genetic data, enabling the genetic data to be widely used in human economic and social activities.

5 What are the key features of X Genomics?

Rather than the 99.9% similarity in genome, X Genomics focuses on the less than 0.1% variation that contains millions of variants composing a multitude of individual personalities, physical traits and predisposition to illnesses.

It will construct an alliance of genetic testing institutions by seeking cooperation with various genetic testing institutions all over the world, with the ultimate goal of creating a win-win genetic ecosystem, so that users can easily detect and collect their genetic data and upload it to the blockchain.

X Genomics tokens has a variety of application scenarios, and X Genomics tokens economic system can be widely applied in the health, medical care, finance, insurance and other aspects, such as gene sequencing, insurance, medicine, physical examination, etc. As such it will make genetic technology more accessible to the public to better serve human beings.

With a big genomic data hub, genomic data will be up-chained to the X Genomics Blockchain, which will enable permanently secure storage, diversity and a large sample size of genetic data. Consequently, X Genomics will offer a large platform for human genetic data research with wide applications.

6 Why does X Genomics start now?

As recently as January 2017, the worldwide leading sequencing provider Illumina unveiled a new sequencer, the NovaSeq, that the company reports will eventually provide a whole genome for less than $100. This presents a new dawn for access to personalized and precision healthcare on a global scale.

Blockchain technology has brought a great deal of change to the era of digital economy and the life sciences. When the two most important technological revolutions of the most recent and current centuries collide, we believe that we are doing a great thing.

7 What is your competitive advantage?

We have launched the Human Variant Genome Project (HVGP) to focus on studying genetic variants, which carry the answers for many human diseases.

We have a strong team with expertise and ambition. Our team members are all professional, experienced experts in this field, including two Nobel Prize recipients. They offer extensive guidance and support in the promotion and application of the X Genomics Project.

We are building a sustainable and win-win ecosystem that undertakes a global vision. X Genomics thrives to build a healthy ecosystem that individuals, genome sequencing institutions, medical companies, hospitals, as well as universities and scientists can all participate in and benefit from.

8 What about X Genomics team?

Our team members are all professional, experienced experts in this field, including two Nobel Prize recipients. The X Genomics Project is the first project of its kind that is supported by Nobel Prize winners.

In aspect of gene technology,we have a talented team members came from U.S, China, Canadian, those are gene-bio PHD degree holders, graduates to provide the technical support for the program.

As for the blockchain part, we have members from Singapore and China who have been pioneers in this field since the very early start.

9 How can I get my genome data?

We are founding partnerships with worldwide DNA sequencing facilities so you can find one closest to you to get your personal data. We will deepen our collaboration with genomics companies and research institutions to offer better services and more affordable prices.

10 What services does X Genomics offer?

Through the integrated solution of the “blockchain + genome data analysis & collaboration system”, we will be able to mine variant genomic data so as to provide richer, more reliable, and easily accessible raw data for areas such as gene research, precision medical care, preventive health care, new medicine research & development, and human genetics, while protecting the privacy and rights of data owners.

The X Genomics is designed to provide genetic research industry partners with enterprise-level blockchain infrastructure, industry solutions, and secure, reliable, and flexible blockchain services. Through efficient and secure blockchain services, under the premise of secure and reliable transaction interconnection through visualized data management tools, the comprehensive cost of the gene technology industry can be effectively reduced, operational efficiency can be improved, and the application of traditional gene technologies can be solved.

11 What are some interesting potential customers of the X Genomics data?

Individual gene data donors will get gene data reports of better accuracy, and the win-win data alliance built by X Genomics will allow for more business support for gene sequencing institutions.

Pharma and healthcare companies will use the data to develop treatment and prevention medicine as well as genetic engineering and biological chips. Governments and research organizations will also need the data for research and development on public health initiatives.

In addition, based on the open gene data platform X Genomics builds, gene data service providers can develop more gene data applications with open APIs and X Genomics data engine at a lower expense.

12 Why is the GSX token based on Ethereum

We choose to list ERC-20 tokens initially because it provides the most ease for a token sale. Likewise, an ETH wallet is common amongst many investors and this facilitates an easier transfer.

13 When will I get my tokens?

Tokens will be distributed within days once the token sale ends. You will have to specify an ERC-20 compliant wallet address to withdraw your tokens.

14 What is the total supply of GSX tokens

We will be mining 1,000,000,000 GSX tokens.

15 How is the GSX tokens Allocation?

16 Where can GSX tokens be purchased in the future?

GSX tokens can be purchased in other exchanges in the future and more details will be released soon. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter and Telegram for the latest official updates by our team.

17 Where can I learn more about the X Genomics project?

Please visit our website at or our medium page at

If you have any other question, please ask us by joining our Telegram channel.

