Cisco Firewall Hack: A Wake-Up Call for Layered Security with Zero-Knowledge Networking

Xiid Team
Xiid Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2024

The recent “ArcaneDoor” cyberattack, where state-sponsored hackers exploited zero-day vulnerabilities in Cisco’s ASA firewalls, sent shockwaves through the cybersecurity world. These attacks underscore a critical truth: relying solely on a firewall or a VPN, no matter how robust, is not enough.

The attackers used two vulnerabilities — “Line Dancer” to inject malicious code and steal data, and “Line Runner” to maintain persistence even after reboots. This highlights the limitations of traditional firewalls and VPNs, and the urgent need for a more comprehensive defense strategy.

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Xiid SealedTunnel: Revolutionizing Network Security with Zero-Knowledge Networking

While the unfortunate reality is that the targeted networks in the ArcaneDoor attack lacked Xiid SealedTunnel, let’s explore how this innovative solution could have prevented data exfiltration:

  • Unmatched Protection with 3 Layers of Encryption: Unlike traditional tunnels and VPNs, SealedTunnel boasts a groundbreaking three-layer encryption system. The middle layer leverages the new NIST quantum key encapsulation standard, making it resistant to even future advancements in quantum computing. This multi-layered approach offers significantly stronger protection compared to the single layer of encryption found in most solutions.
  • End-to-End Encryption: SealedTunnel encrypts data end-to-end, from the very beginning to the very end of its journey. This means even traffic passing through the firewall itself remains triple-encrypted, rendering it useless to attackers who breach the firewall using vulnerabilities like Line Dancer.
  • Closed Ports for Enhanced Security: SealedTunnel goes a step further by enabling the closure of all inbound ports on firewalls at both ends of the communication. This eliminates zero-day attack vectors like the ones mentioned above, and minimizes the risk of unauthorized access, effectively closing the door attackers exploited in the Line Dancer vulnerability.
  • Zero-Knowledge Advantage: No Single Point of Weakness: The crown jewel of SealedTunnel is its revolutionary Zero-Knowledge Networking (ZKN) approach. With ZKN, no single entity in the communication chain possesses all the data needed to decipher the entire data stream. This means even if a single point, like a firewall, were compromised, the attackers wouldn’t be able to decrypt the information flowing through the SealedTunnel.

Lessons Learned: A Multi-Layered Approach with ZKN is Key

The ArcaneDoor attack serves as a stark reminder that a layered security approach with cutting-edge technology like Zero-Knowledge Networking is paramount. Here’s what we can take away:

  • Firewalls are a cornerstone of security, but they need additional layers of protection that VPNs simply do not provide.
  • Network encryption tools like Xiid SealedTunnel provide unparalleled defense with multi-layered, end-to-end encryption and ZKN technology.
  • Proactive security strategies by closing unnecessary ports minimize exploitable attack surfaces.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Organizations must prioritize a comprehensive security strategy that goes beyond firewalls. Implementing network encryption solutions like Xiid SealedTunnel, with its unique ZKN approach and advanced encryption layers, significantly strengthens defenses against sophisticated cyberattacks. By adopting a layered approach, organizations can create a more secure environment and protect their valuable data, even in the face of evolving threats.

